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Everything posted by CIPHER_one

  1. word up mis, I'm in philly somewhat often, so we'll do somethin up in time.
  2. cool docs. whats up with that third one? its printed....oddly.
  3. Nah, I'll be in Philly on the 11th or 12th or something. Its a weekend. Sat. and Sun.
  4. Man, that looks reall nice. I'm not sure what they're gonna make us use, but I'll definitely slip some of that in there. Are you in Philly, Firepants? If so, I'm gonna be hanging out with some friends there. If I end up spending more than a day we should take pictures or something. Holla.
  5. Attempted double exposure print. Didn't really work, but I had limited time and was running out of paper. I'm done with RC paper forever...on to fiber.
  6. Pitt Flavor: I really enjoy those. especially the second one. The first one is really nice too...but I find it a bit too busy. Willy: not into it.
  7. If somehow no one else is into it, than I suppose we can send prints to the 2 remaining parties....although I'd hope someone else would be into it. We'll give it some time.
  8. Yeah, good point. I dunno, I figure a lot of people might be using older prints, so it might be difficult to create a theme. If we do that, I may need more time. In place of a theme, we could include something like an artist's statement of sorts. a "manifesto" if you will.
  9. agreed. especially considering we might only get like 5-8 people.
  10. I imagine this is not limited to people studying photgraphy, so, would everyone be able to mount their prints if they weren't in school for photo? It would add a bit of difficulty if mounting was a requirement..But I kinda dig it. Secret Santa thing: Say there are 10 people who want to be involved. 9 of those people give their mailing address and email address to the tenth person. The tenth person then randomly assigns mailing addresses to the other 9 people. So, everyone has a person to mail their mounted(?) print to, but no one knows who they are receiving their print from. The 10th person will perhaps miss out on this element of mystery, since he or she will have to give someone their mailing address. Or, we could get a "third party" to randomly assign the mailing addresses so no one misses out on the fun. Perhaps a moderator. Does that make sense? If not, we can just go the simple route and exchange mailing addresses publicly. Is an acceptable deadline for this Feb 1st? Since we don't even have details together?
  11. Well, I'm really into getting actual prints, but anything would be cool. Would we be able to do the "pass around" thing? Or would we just have to have partners or something? We could do the kind of Secret Santa thing. Like, if everyone submitted their address, and one person emailed everyone their "destination". Does that make sense? It does in my head. Would it be more worth it if there was some type of theme? Or at least more than one print/photograph? Maybe the theme thing is going a bit far. I've got Winter break coming up. So, I wouldn't be able to get shit going until January.
  12. hotness firepants. and pmb! I think we should orgainze a print-trade of some sort. something similar to the ppa or whatever its called. ?
  13. that reminds me of that show....eerie, indiana....or something.
  14. ha oh man, I shoulda known. I was wondering why the architecture looked vaguely familiar. what'd ya think?
  15. I saw a trailer for Cremaster 3...looks amazing. ALthough I thought it was up to 5
  16. are you schoolin' it poop? if so, whatcha studjin'? I dig the 2nd and 5th building shots
  17. whats cremaster? and whered you get those images?
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