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Everything posted by CIPHER_one

  1. I'd be more jealous if I hadn't seen his show when he came to my town. But I'm still pretty damn jealous. I agree with beard. Joker, cool escalator. and pictures.
  2. http://www.richardhellergallery.com/dynamic/images/detail/Marcel_Dzama_Untitled_2003_388_42.jpg'> http://www.richardhellergallery.com/dynamic/images/display/Marcel_Dzama_Untitled_1999_400_42.jpg'> http://www.richardhellergallery.com/dynamic/images/display/Marcel_Dzama_Untitled_2000_396_42.jpg'> marcel dzama::
  3. i really like the second one for some reason. Foreseeing my Future as a Trainhopper By me p.s. tell your friend to keep at it.
  4. that is an amazing book Some friends of mine built a treehouse last summer. the city made them take it down because it interfered with a powerline. Thats was nuts.
  5. Sofa...doesn't he have a show up in Philly? I just saw most of the photos you posted.. That one with the kids skinny dipping is awesome.
  6. more JMW... more JMW... http://www.day19.com/port/images/bobdaveport.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/all%20images/2004new/gideon.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/legs.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/all%20images/2004new/CWbirds.jpg'> This one was shot by Claire Weiss...Jeremy Weiss' wife. http://www.day19.com/port/images/lillix.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/tom.jpg'> I'm done.
  7. ©jeremy michael weiss http://www.day19.com/port/images/candice.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/grandma.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/ruben.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/bloodynose.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/port/images/mattsharp.jpg'> http://www.day19.com/all%20images/2004new/mexico.jpg'>
  8. D. Hess Derek Hess. http://www.derekhess.com/images/gallery/2003/hmcover.jpg'> http://www.derekhess.com/images/gallery/2003/bike.jpg'> http://www.derekhess.com/images/gallery/2002/thurs1.jpg'>
  9. Yeah, I suppose it is like that with everyone, but especially with that guy. I can't imagine how many people think he is a no-talent hack. for the mis-informed: http://www.spencertunick.com/photos/installations/1997_1.jpg'> http://www.kunstikeskus.ee/keskus/pilt/ettekanne/jpg/spencer_tunick_roz_f.JPG'> http://www.kunstikeskus.ee/trend/pilt/spencer_tunick_bregenz_f.JPG'> http://www.cinemanose.com/2001/may/video/st/2.jpg'> http://www.ananova.com/images/web/33520.jpg'> http://www.arkitip.com/images/SPENCERTUNICK05.jpg'> I wish they had that Phish footage in the documentary...
  10. haha yeah man. I dunno, I guess he's just a "one-trick pony". But I think he shoots some interesting stuff. Its not just random naked people, he puts thought into it.
  11. It ran on HBO for a while...that guy is my hero...so badass. I also saw a doc on Spencer Tunick...anyone familiar? Browner?
  12. that second one is real nice...you take em slime?
  13. Charles, are those from the documentary on the Buff?
  14. I thought Dredz got those off of google.....maybe not.
  15. That last one is funny. "BabbleOn Delux:: Now you can get it on with BabbleOn!!! thats meant to rhyme and sound catchy.
  16. I'm pretty sure Marcel Dzama did the new Weakerthans albumb, which I like more than the actual album itself.
  17. yeah, Al, I imagine its the same as taking any panoramic. Just a series of shots connecting.
  18. I guess I see your point, but the fact remains its just pointillism. Its a technique that I'd like to get better at. Not a style. I used a photograph of a friend of mine, how much creativitity is in there? None. Because I'm just trying to get the technique down. Sorry to drown it in comparisons, but I kinda see it as if you had just started getting itno graffiti, and some guy who's been writing for a decade was painting right next to you. Its like you asking for his advice. Its not you taking his style.
  19. I can't really understand what you're saying, but I think you're making fun of Lasso, so...all right.
  20. Hey Lasso, its called pointillism. It's been done for a few years now....I'm not the first person to try it, neither is Dills. Saying I'm biting Dills is like saying someone who uses a pencil is biting someone who learned to use a pencil earlier than them. I realize Dills is fairly skilled in pointillism, so I was asking his advice.
  21. http://photopile.com/photos/imkindoftired/stuff/89776.jpg'> Dillz, I couldn't quite get it. I'm not really disapointed with this...but it certainly didn't get nearly the same subtle effectyour work has. Smaller pens? Spread out points? Practice? Any advice?
  22. http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00408550f00000003.jpg'> vincent gallo...awesome Dillz....insane
  23. bad scanner http://www.elimin8.net/12oz/2rSB7_drive.jpg'> really awesome slime
  24. NOBODY CARES! I'm glad you're able to impress yourself.
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