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Recently i saw shai hulud with bleeding through and the haunted, it was a decent show but a whorrible turnout, and i ended dropping a spin kick onto some kids head, ahahahhahaa, sorry dude. bleeding through was dope but they are to like wannabe rockstar an shit with thier fucking black eyeliner and shit. shai hulud was okay, not as good as i thought they were but definatley intresting that they are from NYC. im looking forward to checking out darkest hour.

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“Our one and only concern is creating music. We don't claim to move mountains with our songs or change lives, but I can tell you that every fucking note we play or sing is honest. We mean every word of it. No tricks or alterior motives, just 100% honest expression. For better or worse, we love what we do.


Thanks, Derek/Poison The Well.”





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Originally posted by DankLordz

no no no, it's scott from despair and slugfest. you have to make refereces to the good bands that people were in..


nah nah man, its scott, the ex-drummer of that band fadeaway. wasnt it fadeaway? I gotta find that split...


terror is boring. if you were to do a scott vogel band goodness time chart it would look something like


slug fest

buried alive




I dunno. it does nothing for me, but everybody has that shirt on in their little friendster photo. fuck I'm old and cranky.



oh, and the guy posting ptw's statement on why they signed to a major and calling that schtick powerful? real corny. They couldve just said "we like money. and free shoes. free shoes are awesome." and it wouldve been ok. but goddamn, that shit is just corny.

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Originally posted by onesandzeros

nah nah man, its scott, the ex-drummer of that band fadeaway. wasnt it fadeaway? I gotta find that split...


Ha...I was just about to say the same thing. And yes, it was fadeaway. They put out a split with 2 line filler, and then another cd. Frank from snapcase was in fadeaway too.



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im sure a lot of these have been said before but here goes:


embrace the end (my all tiome favorite)


time for living


beneath the ashes (check them out at gilman tomorrow night for their cd release show)


american nightmare (or giving up the ghost or whatever the fuck they are called now)


darkest hour


blood for blood


embrace today


damage done




Teen Idles


Minor Threat


Redemption 87


Unit Pride


bleeding through


Never Again


All Bets Off

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gwb hardcore up date.





new demo out soon, and will be available on our website or whenever we tour through your town this august.


I love .hopesfall.'s music but i've seen them live and they were really shitty. Minus the singer the band doesn't move around that much.


Anyways. Y'all need to listen to Holding on(bridge nine records), Modern Life is War(martyr record), and In the Red(ex ten yard fight).......we had the priveledge to play shows with these dudes and they were really fucking cool and awesome live, and MLIW's cd, as well as holding on's new cd is dope as hell.


Been listening to alot of no warning and madball lately.



I wonder if seeking ever got the hardcore band he wanted to start off the ground


"its my life and i'll do what i want, its my life and ill say what i want"

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What the shit? I saw hopesfall 2 nights ago, they were very very alive and moving. They got the crowd going, and it was a very unreceptive crowd. That takes some doing. They also managed to maintain a level of live performance and actually playing music at the same time. I think you haven't seen hopesfall recently..... They kicked my ass.

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Re: gwb hardcore up date.


Originally posted by George Dubyah Bush

Anyways. Y'all need to listen to Holding on(bridge nine records), Modern Life is War(martyr record), and In the Red(ex ten yard fight).......we had the priveledge to play shows with these dudes and they were really fucking cool and awesome live

agreed, very good bands, and i've never met the guys from mliw or in the red, but holding on are really cool guys. Thats sweet as hell that you got to play a show with them
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Re: Re: gwb hardcore up date.


Originally posted by MrChupacabra

agreed, very good bands, and i've never met the guys from mliw or in the red, but holding on are really cool guys. Thats sweet as hell that you got to play a show with them


Word it is sweet. Definately represent for those dudes if they come into town. Modern Life is War put like.....200% into their live show......and in the red are a really sweet "old school" band. And i got their demo which is awesome for 3 bucks and a hot shirt.


As for hopesfall.............last time i saw them.......there was like me. and two other kids who knew their lyrics.........I knew there were a bunch of other kids that have known about, but still. No one was really moving around for them, and its not like you can really move around to them. They have no mosh/dance parts.......well. Alot of their new stuff doesn't have dance parts, but all i remember is that me and like two other kids were singing along and the singer of the bandwas teh only one really moving around. the two fat dude guitarists weren't moving really. and the bassist was just chill.

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Hmm. I guess they've changed since you saw them... There were actually quite a few people who knew them well around here, which is suprising seeing as we haven't really got any kind of real hardcore scene. I guess that I went more for the music than for dancing... I felt it was a very good show, and don't you think that the heavier chuggy breakdown parts are fine for moshing? There was plenty of body movement in the crowd, I dunno. Maybe I've got a completely impression of what a live show is about.

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i gess hardcore is ok....BUT I HATE STRAIGHT EDGERS!!!


well not all. i just hate those millitant fucking basterds that get in your face about stupid shit like eating meat or smoking pot..


THEY FUCKING SUCK! they have those stupid X's on there hand at conserts and there all a bunch of asses!


i was in a hard core band and all the members were edge exept me and they were a bunch of DICKS!!! all self absorbed.


they thaught they were better than EVERYONE. and thats all they talked about.


I HATE THEM I HATE THEM SOO MUTCH!! metal is better.:king:

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