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Everything posted by onesandzeros

  1. how do the kids do it nowadays? is it like this? " Snuze. Yors. Seano. Nearing Self Murder. " Did I get it right?
  2. Dear SPF: 1. That is probably not the best example of Snuze NSM's work 2. Is this the same snuz/snooze you speak of: 3. Who cares?
  3. nah nah man, its scott, the ex-drummer of that band fadeaway. wasnt it fadeaway? I gotta find that split... terror is boring. if you were to do a scott vogel band goodness time chart it would look something like despair slug fest buried alive fadeaway terror I dunno. it does nothing for me, but everybody has that shirt on in their little friendster photo. fuck I'm old and cranky. oh, and the guy posting ptw's statement on why they signed to a major and calling that schtick powerful? real corny. They couldve just said "we like money. and free shoes. free shoes are awesome." and it wouldve been ok. but goddamn, that shit is just corny.
  4. Nothing Stops Me? Nearing Self Murder? I get no love in the great clean north...
  5. got any vets? the people demand vetsoe. and more yors and snuze.
  6. man, i seriously wish someone would put me in the know onto how homeboy does that shit. its seriously killing me it boggles my mind so.
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