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For almost 15 years I got wasted daily. Exactly 1 year ago I said fuggit, went cold turkey and persevered. The first 3 months were hard but eventually not long after new years the cravings went away. Anyways I feel good and this thread has been helpful.


Props people.





Hella props, i must spread.

I've got 4 weeks today myself.

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I can't edit my post for some reason so while I would still like advice on the ragedrink thing, I should also say I'm way calmer atm - did a coupla things to better myself (applied for my degree woohoo, decided to try and get in this year instead of next) and arranged to go away for the weekend to chill with special people who love me so feeling a lot better now.

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I do not now, nor have I ever engaged in prayer.


That said the serenity prayer contains a very appropriate message for addicts in my assessment.


To be in a state of rage is to be beyond your own control but if you change your mindset a bit you can find a path that is free of rage. You will never find a life that is free of things to be angry about. The decisions we make and those made by those we love and associate with can reduce or increase situations which are troubling but life will always include problems.


I am always reticent to use words like "control" in discussions about recovery because I think there is a lot of incorrect thinking on the question of willpower. Control and willpower have very little to do with getting or staying sober. Once I was sober I found that I had a lot more control than before. It does not mean that I can dictate the world around me but I do have the freedom to dictate how I respond to it and that alone is worth the price of admission to me.


It is sobriety that gives you control, not the other way around.


Serenity is like many things of elegance, holding on to it with your heart and mind can be both the easiest and hardest thing in the world depending on how you take it.


0.02 on dealing with emotional difficulties free of mind altering substances

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The serenity prayer is posted above the entrance/exit to my crib. It helps.


Going to see a doctor about depression and anxiety issues related to the loss of a family member, one year later I'm still fucked in the head. I actually plan to tell the doc how much I have honestly been drinking, and for how long, and see what they think about it.

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I've noticed I'm irritable til I have my first drink of the day

And as soon as I have a buzz I just wanna get more drinks


Almost like cocaine




I take days off sometimes but only when I don't have beer in the fridge and I'm too lazy to go to the store or bar





I think I might be on the fringe.

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not me, man. Beer leads to a happier me, which leads to less inhibitions, which leads to cocaine and hiphop tags.


Luckily since I quit cocaine about 5 years ago, my behavior has become much more predictable. I usually don't do anything at night that I regret in the morning, other than conversational things or gettin a little to frisky in bed.


To me, the sign of an alcoholic is that alcohol becomes an allergy, when the body comes into contact with it it creates the impulse reaction of attraction and cravings. It is when one beer is too many, and one more is never enough, and this is the fight that I fight on a regular basis.

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word folks.


my pops has like 6 months sober....free from alcohol AND drugs.


yesterday he showed up to my sons birthday and I can honestly say it was like a completely different person.


feels good to have been the one to lead the family to the right path.


keep doing yer thugthizzle naggerz.

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The only way I can see getting through this weekend is with more booze


I'm scared, angry as fuck, and unsure what to do.


Do any of you have issues with anger drinking and what do you do to chill out so you don't ragedrink?


in the immediate timeframe i woulda said take a deep breath and ...


arranged to go away for the weekend to chill with special people who love me so feeling a lot better now.


... so boom, props to you.




I do not now, nor have I ever engaged in prayer.


That said the serenity prayer contains a very appropriate message for addicts in my assessment.


To be in a state of rage is to be beyond your own control but if you change your mindset a bit you can find a path that is free of rage. You will never find a life that is free of things to be angry about. The decisions we make and those made by those we love and associate with can reduce or increase situations which are troubling but life will always include problems.


I am always reticent to use words like "control" in discussions about recovery because I think there is a lot of incorrect thinking on the question of willpower. Control and willpower have very little to do with getting or staying sober. Once I was sober I found that I had a lot more control than before. It does not mean that I can dictate the world around me but I do have the freedom to dictate how I respond to it and that alone is worth the price of admission to me.


It is sobriety that gives you control, not the other way around.


Serenity is like many things of elegance, holding on to it with your heart and mind can be both the easiest and hardest thing in the world depending on how you take it.


Motherfucking post of the year right here.

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Cheers Inj, it was totally the right decision. Had a good chat with two people i needed to (one being Decy) and came to some realisations/decisions


After the last bit of fuckery from my ex, having the landlord text hassle me to move out 10 days early - he literally wanted me to come home and get all my stuff out cos he's already move my replacement into someone else's room (!!!) the idea of emotionally battling for my rights was the last straw


I am TERRIFIED that I can drink an entire bottle of rum solo. In one night. Neat. From the bottle. I am about 6.5 stone (finally putting weight on after years battling EDs and recovery) so this is not a normal tolerance


I have been using alcohol to cope with London life which is not for me.


So I applied for that degree (creative arts therapy studies) and I'm leaving.


handed in my notice this morning


off to a city where I can paint in peace and learn to get better and have some chill headtime and where I got OLDSCHOOL friends who know the signs


I don't have family so having good friends is important


doctor this week to chat about my mental health cos I am NOT going back through the breakdowns/self-harm/shitfuckery, I have finally dragged myself out of it and I am not going back in.


Thank you everyone for bearing with me while I lose my shit haha and ofc all your words of wisdom. I feel like oontz is a special place :)


ooh, what's that? a light at the end of the motherfuckin tunnel

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The serenity prayer is posted above the entrance/exit to my crib. It helps.


Going to see a doctor about depression and anxiety issues related to the loss of a family member, one year later I'm still fucked in the head. I actually plan to tell the doc how much I have honestly been drinking, and for how long, and see what they think about it.


Did you see the doc yet redeye?


Been through (last breakdown was after my dad died) so DM me if you wanna chat.

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Just got back from the doc, got an antidepressant (effexor) and and anti anxiety (xanax).


The next couple weeks are going to be really fucking hard. Hopefully the drugs will help me stay away from the booze, as fucked up as that is...


Ok I've been creeping on this thread for the last few weeks cuz I'm kicking a weed habit I've had for like 12 years and reading y'all's stuff has been kind of helpful. So please don't take this the wrong way but have you ever taken Xanax? I use to love that shit as a recreational drug. My sister was seriously addicted to it all through high school. She tried to kill herself by OD'n on it a few years ago. I don't trust Xanax I know your going through some things with a family member dying, I saw some of that. Just please be very, very careful with that shit. don't trade one addiction for another. I would recommend you ask your doc for Kelonapin (sp?) it's basically the same thing just far less addictive. I'm actually surprised your doc didn't try that first, your in the U.S. right? Most try that first because of the addiction problems with Xanax. Also, it's just easier to function throughout the day on K's than it is on Xanax. I know what your going through with the death in your family I lost someone a year and a half ago, it still kills me everyday. I commend you for dealing with it like a man and getting the help you need. Just be careful legal drugs can be just as dangerous as street drugs I've lost a lot of friends to them as well.

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I consider xanax to be a harder drug than heroin, I understand how dangerous this drug is and how slippery the slope is to dependence and tolerance. I asked for help to ween myself off of a 1mg/day for a month habit, and i got the help I need.


I also got an AA meetings sheet for the new area that I am going to be in. I'm finally ready to get back into the rooms and listen to some real advice, and offer some war stories and life experience stories. Time to get shit in order again.

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