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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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good seeing ya boys..


i was supposed to go to s.d. last month..but never made it up when i was in new mex.. got a lil too faded hah..had my NONrefundable ticket and everything...yeah retard right..



i went to my color theory class today.. i like it and there are quite a few good lookers.. ;]


mmm my mom made this hot thai curry with chicken and bamboo shots... be jealous

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where is the creator?

you mean wonka?


i heard home depot sucks.

my homie worked there for a month and said it blows cause you only have 1 or 2 aisles to hide out in.

he was used to having a whole theme park to roam and hide.

he said the place to be at home depot was tool rental.

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Originally posted by Pistol@Sep 8 2005, 06:26 PM

yeah me too. and for a minute you were on the other side of the fwy in sfs , 5 minutes away.


no shit huh. one of these days


hows things alure? no time no talk,

by the way my favorite color is still clear, ha


and someone, i wouldnt even think twice about buying that shirt

id go with my first thought of no

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Villian.. thats some good shit;]


When: thats some funny shit...


i'm doing good, getting my ass in gear for the long school year. over guys, perfectly content on being single for awhile ..over going out...had a crazy summer.. just going to concentrate on what needs to be done..nawhaaddaameann...



vinyl hasnt posted in awhile;[



i hate fucking working weekends..

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Fuckin' sick........I just come back here only to see that almost all of the OG heads have been posting again!.......sucks about Krie though....


but anyways......on a brighter note....maybe this will cheer everyone up.....I'm going to do a puppet show with some really strange friends of mine at this bar downtown soon and guess what?....hahaha....it's "The Breakfast Club".....yes,I will be doing all the John Bender dialouge.......here's just a taste....


"God you're so pathetic........Don't you EVER compare yourself to me....Okay?.....you got everything..and I got shit...fuckin' repunzel right?....school would probably fuckin' shut down if you didn't show up...Queenie isn't here!!.....I like those earrings Claire.....are those REAl diamonds Claire?......I bet they are........did you work...the FOR THE MONEY for those earrings?.......or did your Daddy buy those?.....I bet he bought those for you......I bet those were a Christmas gift,right?......YOU KNOW WHAT I GOT FOR CHRISTMAS?....IT WAS A BANNER FUCKIN' YEAR AT OL' BENDER FAMILY...I GOT A CARTON OF CIGARETTES!!!!....OLD MAN GRABBED ME AND SAID" HERE SMOKE UP JOHNNY!!!"...so go home and cry to your daddy...don't cry here okay?"


hahaha......fuck it....


455-still drinkin' the cheap beer and Jager,still smokin' The Spirits and roll your owns,still writing on things that don't belong to me and still here on 12oz once in a blue moon.


....now everything would be great if I could get off my ass and cut off my 1980's Steve Stevens haircut and quit listening to my 1982 Modern English album......


it's good to be back for awhile......talk to you peeps in the future....my homie just got out of jail so I'm need ta track him down and throw back some Jack Daniels.....I might be back on later tonight if I can still see straight.....lol.


RIP Krie

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ya know I am almost 23 years old and still have not seen the breakfast club.


on a side note I just got in from my nightly jog and my legs are fucking killing me and I have to go to work soon. I have been trying to clean myself up a bit and get in better shape and so far I think I am doing a good job. I have gone two weeks without a ciggerette and a week without any sort fo alcohol(for me thats a LONG time). I am also about to start a king fu class with my tattoo artist so he will have another excuse to inflict pain on me.


so whats been going on with the rest of you night owls. I see 455 is back after a long hiatus. I am still wondering where the fuck when is at, he is someone I haven't seen on here in a long long long time.


ok I am done rambling....zack morris over and out.

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hahaha....thanks man.....here's some more....



"Here's my impression of the life at big Bri's house......



"Yeah Dad"

How's your day,pal?

"Great Dad!!!...How's yours?"


Say son!....How'd you like to go FIIIIshing this weekend?

GREEEAT Dad!!!!....but I have homework to do...."

That's alright son.....you can do it on the boat!


Dear...isn't our son swell?

yes Dear...isn't life swell?


Alright.....what about your family?



mine.....oh.....it's real easy.....


"Stupid,Worthless,no-good Godammed free-loadin' son-of a -bitch...retarded big-mouthed know it all asshole jerk"

"You forgot ugly,lazy and disrespectful"


What about you Dad?

Fuck you.

No,Dad...What about you?

Fuck You.




"is that for real?

"you wanna come over some time?"

"that's bullshit.....it's all part of your image....I don't believe a word of it"

"you don't beleive me?"



"Did I stutter?"


"You believe this?......it's about the size of a cigar.....did I STUTTER?....see this is what happens at my house when you spill paint in the garage......see........I don't think that I have to sit with YOU FUCKIN" DILDOS anymore!!!"




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Originally posted by Zack Morris@Sep 10 2005, 05:32 PM

I am still wondering where the fuck when is at, he is someone I haven't seen on here in a long long long time.



dont you know if you speak of the devil and he shall appear.


anywho ive been pretty fucking busy

with my full time job during the day and my full time commitment to hang out at the bar at night

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Oh shit.....I almost forgot........what about the first Terminator movie.....Bill Paxton and Brian Thompson as the punkers in griffin park....


"Hey!!!My Turn!!!"




"Hey!.......What's wrong with this picture?"




"Nice night for a walk,eh?"

nice night for a walk.

"Washday tomorrow....nothing clean,right?"

nothing clean right.

"I think this guys a couple cans short of a six-pack"

your clothes....give to me...NOW!

"Fuck You Asshole!!!"


1984 LA.....4th and Broadway.....Tech Noir!!!

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