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Hua Guofang

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Everything posted by Hua Guofang

  1. Some letters I’ve been playing around with. Might try and make something of that he style when I get some holidays soon.
  2. I lived through that for 7 years when working for a company that had a very mercenary approach to HR. Not fun, can empathize
  3. You haven't got the basic straight letter simple down pat yet. Stop trying to progress too fast. You gotta kill the basic stuff before you move on.
  4. sorry, forgot one more; my tree fern is going ballistic
  5. Also took deliver of my new 70 liter mash tun for brewing.
  6. props on the QOM @SukiSukiNowI had a tree branch go in the rear wheel the other day and snap a bunch of spokes. Not happiness. Gonna have to go to fat farm after eating this: French toast croissant with banana, bacon, butter cream, caramel, popcorn and candied nuts. Good for the hangover.
  7. Eyes and nose suggest fetal alcohol syndrome, which also implies low mental capacity and slut-like tendencies. No smashy smash here, thanks.
  8. The greatest song ever written.
  9. Hua Guofang


    Hand made by my grandfather god knows how many moons ago. I’d guess the blade is stainless steel and the handle is aluminium. One of many handmade tools he passed on to me that I cherish.
  10. Some kind of pudding type gig that has a rich, runny chocolate thing on top with some candied orange and lemon peel on top. Its conference food food at Hyatt CBR
  11. Fuck you the rest of life, I’ve got everything I need right here
  12. Beer traps are so good for slugs. Who’d have thought they were beer hounds?! Speaking of beer, I put my hops in the ground yesterday and mulched over them. Also to a graf shot with one hand whilst riding past.
  13. I think the ‘us v govt’ is a bad idea as well. It it is impossible to live in this world today without some form of governance if for nothing else we interact on a global level, every day (like we are right now). It’s far to simple and reactionary to see the govt as those that take our liberty because they also protect many liberties at the same time. The optimal outcome is having govt that is properly focused on the national interest and minimizing intervention, unlike the utter shit we have now in most two party parliamentary and presidential systems. Don’t worry, Australia and the UK aren’t in good places these days either. To view govt as only ever in opposition to the governed is pretty limited in vision and ambition and seems to be bounded by experience rather than incentivized by opportunity. Finally, those with a conservative bent always think the left is on the rise and the progressive always think the right is only a few steps away from reviving Mussolini. You hear precisely the same lines either side of the fence. We are all humans, we are all biased.
  14. I'd say that the argument isn't actually about the validity of the election, it's about a foreign power trying to interfere in US political processes. And other than the potential that they hacked a bunch of servers, they certainly try and cause havoc and chaos in US society by causing social division, sowing doubt, supporting BS conspiracy theories (like child porn rings in pizza shops, the US military running exercises but really going to take over the southern states, etc.) and the people that attack either side of the social argument are ripe for the picking. Pay attention that I'm pointing to the way the media acts, the way people talk to each other and the way discussion occurs on most social media. I'm not referring to the 0.000001% that smash windows, drive cars into peaceful protesters and are physically destructive. You've missing the play if you focus on the loudest 0,000001%.
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