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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. As if popping off where he did defies any less laws of gravity and or logic. I said it "looks like" he was popping off the bump, and I even said "I could be wrong". Go give DOW another handjob.
  2. You said Danny Way is known for his "sick style on the super ramp". You sure you wanna keep posting in this thread?
  3. So basically every time somebody comes up with a different techno rave beat it's now a new genre of music? Dubstep used to be called drum and bass/jungle in the 90's. All of the above and everything left out are known to most people as raver music. Just call it raver music.
  4. Jesus fucking christ... Am I wrong in remembering you actually denying being a hipster at one point back in the day?
  5. This bitch is awesome. http://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=318bc80dffc4b931780f
  6. I've been married since 06, and to this day I still fuck the shit out of my wife on an almost daily basis. I also find time to jack off in between. Sometimes we watch porn together to set the mood. I love my wife.
  7. Says the jackass who jumped in to support that other jackass's argument about Danny Way and his super sick style on the "super ramp". Weren't you a full blown tampon boy like two weeks ago? :rolleyes:
  8. Harold Hunter was around since before bearing covers and fat tongues. Sounds like you're just hating on the time period that he was on top of his game.
  9. Pepe Martinez was fucking dope. Watch your mouth. Harold Hunter was good back in the day but kinda fell off over time.
  10. You could be right, and I could be wrong. But 23 years of skateboarding tells me that he's probably popping from that bump. That plus the leaves and shit that looks like something just ran through them. Personally, I think it makes it all that much sicker if he was able to pop like that instantly after riding off that drop.
  11. Nobody was dissing Danny Way you "fucking retard". People were talking about Tony Hawk and his lack of style, then this sideways idiot jumped in and threw Danny Way in the mix. Now you're commenting on subjects that you haven't even read the cliff notes on. Danny way is sick. So is Rodney Mullen. So is Tony Hawk. Brandon Westgate is more my cup of tea though. /nohomo.
  12. He'd ollie it straight from the foundation though. Apples and oranges.
  13. Looks like he rode off the foundation hauling ass and basically popped of that little bump as soon as all 4's touched. Which might even be sicker than if he ollied off the foundation.
  14. We were talking about Danny Way you fucking retard. Because some idiot who doesn't even skate brought him up and said that he had m4d 5tyl3 y0 0n the 5up3r r4mp5! Try reading before posting.
  15. You're a fucking retard. Nobody even mentioned Bob Burnquist, and I am the complete opposite of an "oldschool dagger head". Even though I've probably been skating longer than you've been alive. If what I said flew that far over your head that your logical conclusion is that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, then that's your bad. Sometimes posting in this thread is like trying to have a logical conversation with a special ed class.
  16. ^This. I'm not even going to bother wasting any more time on this thread.
  17. That *mega ramp shit is the definition of robotic skating, and has zero at all to do with style. The more you open your mouth on this subject the more you prove that you don't know WTF you're talking about. As usual.
  18. Nah brO, some dude nutted on her belly and panties and then she rushed to take a pic. Don't argue with me. I'm right, you're wrong.
  19. Couldn't do it with some dudes nut on her belly. I can't be the only one to notice.
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