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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. "You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Cunt_Eastwood again."
  2. I have no idea what is going on in this picture. [ATTACH]168920.vB[/ATTACH]
  3. My nigga was old as dirt... http://news.yahoo.com/andy-rooney-wry-60-minutes-commentator-dies-133038061.html [ATTACH]168918.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]168919.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan The only war that ever fueled our economy was WW2. The 39% tax rate under Reagan would make the "tea party" who holds him on a pedestal shit their pants and call him a commie bastard. Our economy influences the world economy.
  5. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan He's a rich man who's getting royally shat upon by the filthy rich for trying to fix the economy and put unemployed people back to work on the dime of said filthy rich faggots who Bush/Cheney gave a tax break to during a time of two Haliburton wars and massive outsourcing of American jobs thus destroying our economy. Any little bones he can get through are phenomenal in the face of this unprecedented opposition. It's America's fault for not voting in 2010 and letting the lunatic fringe "Tea Party" put into power these congressmen who's stated goal is to destroy Obama's presidency at whatever cost to America. And if I'm not going to change your mind then stop trying to do the same with me. I've grown to realize that blind pessimism is for chumps. Deal with that.
  6. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan You clearly haven't been paying attention. Obama was able to accomplish at least some kind of health care reform in the face of day one opposition that makes what Clinton went through look like nothing. And he'd have been able to accomplish so much more if the hordes of people who actually got off their asses and voted for once to make him president had had the follow through to do the same when it was time to elect a new congress. The Republicans stated agenda since day one of his presidency is to cock block any and everything he wants to do. Clinton had to get his dick sucked by an intern for them to really come after him, all's Obama had to do was be the first black president. And just cause I got the country wrong doesn't detract from my point that you may or may not have an excuse for not really paying attention to what's going on in this country.
  7. There was already a thread about this back when she first got on Top Model or whatever it was. I wanna say that was years ago. Welcome back Dee38.
  8. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Your blind pessimism is just that. While Obama and other democrats do have a serious lack of follow through on good ideas lately, the fact is that they do for the most part have good intentions. And Obama HAS apparently finally realized that the only way he's going to get shit done is to tell the republicans to go fuck themselves by issuing executive orders. Something that I wish he would have started doing from day one, but better late than never. Blind pessimism is to blame for the 1% owning this country. If you don't trust either party, then at least get off your ass and vote for the smallest dick in our collective ass until something better comes along. Because ALL republicans vote. And if any one of their current candidates becomes our next president it's going to make Bush/Cheney look like the Clinton years. And as bad off as this country is after 8 years of Bush/Cheney, just imagine what any one of these retarded assholes are capable to doing to America. I could have swore you said that you were teaching English in Thailand or some shit. Do I have the country or the screen name wrong?
  9. It's 2011. 7 or 8 stories would probably just paralyze you for life. You'd be spending the rest of your days getting sponge baths and your diaper changed from male nurses.
  10. Drunken graff hobos occasionally spend minimal time in holding cells and county. ATM robbers spend years in the pen. But you already acknowledged that your plan was flawed. No, I will not be sucking your ass... unless you're Jessica Alba.
  11. If my life ever fell apart so drastically that I felt I had nothing left to live for, I'd just become a traveling drunken graff hobo. I'm not sure the wife and kids would be too stoked on that though. But this is my backup plan for if they all die in a fiery car crash or some shit.
  12. Suicide is for pussies. But there's nothing pussy about walking into a police station with a couple extended clips and seeing how many pigs you can take out before they kill you. Technically it's not even suicide if somebody else does it for you, so maybe Catholics can even get a pass?
  13. If it didn't need to auto save shit in the past, then why is it doing that now? And who exactly is it saving this info for?
  14. It just started doing that this year. And 1am on the east coast is midnight in middle America.
  15. And I ain't fucking with no surveys. 12oz done sold the fuck out.
  16. I've pinned it down to 12:06. And it's been doing that for a minute now.
  17. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan That's because you're a fucking FAGGOT. Every argument I made in this thread is based on the facts, but you're too much of a Republican FAGGOT to comprehend anything other than the word FAGGOT. And we agree on one thing... "Obamacare" IS a fucking joke. Because it doesn't exist. The Democrats just rolled over and allowed the Republican minority fuck America in the ass on that one. There IS NO public option. All the so called "Obomacare" was able to accomplish was health insurance reform that prevents your health insurance that you pay an arm and a dick for from kicking you off or denying you coverage for having a pre-existing condition. There is no socialized medicine that our country needs and demands. I wish to god that Obama would have shoved a public option down your Republican throats, but that NEVER HAPPENED. By the way, I've often been called out on miss-spellings as a last ditch effort from other FAGGOTS in the face of defeat of an argument on here before, but anybody who's ever made it past middle school doesn't need a spell-check to know that "reck" is spelled wreck. Yes, I'm actually stooping to questioning your education level.
  18. I started thinking this after last episode, and after watching the first part of this episode I'm thinking it even more. I think clay is pulling some behind the scenes shit and playing both cartels.
  19. This is most likely not going to turn out the way them 4chan dorks think it's going to turn out for them and their friend. If it does though, I will openly admit a new found respect for these herbs.
  20. They bamboozled you. I've looked worse than that and just went home and taped the shit with medical tape. Chicks dig scars.
  21. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan The Republicans claims of being for a small government is laughable when you look at the increase of big government under every single Republican president in recent history. Even the youngest people on here are old enough to remember Bush's "Patriot act" and Haliburtan wars that destroyed our national wealth. And just look at all these anti Mexican bills, anti abortion rights bills and anti union bills being passed all across the country by big government REPUBLICAN governors. When you faggots cry about "democrats want more taxes", what you're actually crying about is them trying to reinstate taxes on the filthy rich who were given ridiculous tax breaks by Bush during a time of war. No scratch that, during a time of two wars. Those tax breaks are the reason why we are in the ridiculous amount of national debt that we are in right now. And your boy Cain want's to make these current tax breaks on the filthy rich look like peanuts while raising taxes on everybody else!!! And by the way, Obama actually lowered the working man's taxes. It was one of the first things he did after taking office. But you won't hear anything about that on Fox news. When you faggots cry about "the democrats want more government", what you're really crying about is the regulations that keep lead out of toys, toxic waste out of drinking water, smog out of the air that we breath, consumer protections against corporate fraud... so on and so forth. That's exactly what Boener and them faggots in congress are bitching about when they say "regulations are killing America". What they mean by "America" is them and their lobyist friends fucking bank accounts. You fucking FAGGOTS want to undo every single bit of progress that was ever made in this country (for the people, of the people, and by the people) and replace it with 18th century capitalism where everybody works their bones into the grave for pennies with no benifeits and while their kids drink toxic drinking water, eat poisonous food, and choke on toxic fumes just so that a few corporate fat cats can reap billions.
  22. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Actually, Obama is at the top of the polls. Cain is only at the top of the Republican polls, and Obama is still shitting on him. Last month it was Perry, and before that it was Bachmann at the top of your party's polls. Does that really say much about your candidate?
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