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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. So he was mad that she didn't like the fact that his mother died a year ago?
  2. Yet another example of why you don't talk to police. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/atlanta-woman-wrongly-imprisoned-53-days-because-name-144442562.html
  3. Jesus... Fucking... Christ!!!
  4. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE NURGA STREAM That soldier is the shit. Anybody saying otherwise while trying to defend the police is is a fucking idiot.
  5. This show jumped the shark when they went to Ireland. And every episode just gets more and more ridiculous. For some reason I still keep watching it though.
  6. Re: My semi retarded soon to be brother in-law I honestly haven't seen one of those living rooms since the 70's. Maybe early 80's tops, but that would have had to been in an old persons house.
  7. Real talk this shit flatlined right around the time that malware started trying to attack peoples computers when they log onto the front page without going straight to the forum. Last I checked it was still doing that and this was months after the thread about that was made and it was supposedly taken care of. I haven't even seen the front page in months and have no plans on ever going there again. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way about this entire site in general.
  8. Since your mom's out of the woods with that shit, tell her not to waste her money paying the medical bills. Nobody does that shit anyways. The economy's crashing, and the medical industry is one of many reasons why. So it's their own fault when they get stiffed for their ridiculous bills. Tell her to hang on to that money. She's probably gonna need it.
  9. My ex still hits me up every now and then whenever her fiance dies or shit aint working with her dude. I used to just fuck her a few times then tell her to fuck off. Or vise versa. These days I just tell her to fuck off and make fun of the fact that she'll never get over my dick. Last time she holler'd at me we ended up having a week long text message war over who's life is better off without the other in it. I pointed out that she's been married for 8 years, is in her 30's and still doesn't have any kids, and that the logical conclusion is that she was left barren after killing our fetus. That got her to stop responding. We broke up 14 years ago. This is what you have to look forward to, Twinkie. :)
  10. Channel Zero heads get payed $20 an hour to do landscaping. $30 an hour if you have a GED. 12ozprophet memberships are recession proof.
  11. Honestly couldn't tell you what we did on our first marriage anniversary, much less our first whatever else anniversary before that. Probably just went out to eat then came home and fucked.
  12. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE STREAM 1% of Americans control 90% of the wealth.
  13. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE STREAM What the hell has "thinking about and discussing" ever accomplished? "Thinking about and discussing" shit is useless unless followed by some kind of direct action.
  14. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE STREAM I really hope this morfs into the liberal/99%ers version of the "tea party". Minus the nut case poster children.
  15. I noticed this too. It makes me change the channel. My satellite radio took a shit last time they did an update. I really need to get off my ass and get a new one already.
  16. This bitch looks like my ex girlfriend. Minus the power ranger outfit.
  17. AA is a fucking cult. If you're going to quit drinking or doing whatever drugs it is that is fucking up your life then just man the fuck up and quit the shit. Joining some Christian cult disguised as the only way to quit drugs/drinking is only going to make you look like an even bigger tool to your REAL friends and family.
  18. I fucked some nasty bitches in my day, but the only time I ever got burnt it was the chicks second time having sex.
  19. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE STREAM Fucking can't agree with this more. and i'm old.
  20. ^The first one is flicked from the top so you can't tell who's model it is. The second one looks like the one I have flicked from the top instead of the bottom. Same exact shape. But that third one is clearly a pro model and def older than the one I have.
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