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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Since when do Catholics go to church outside of Christmas and Easter?
  2. That's seriously a lot of earthquakes. I mean I knew Cali gets a lot of earthquakes and all, but I figured it was like a couple a year or something. Are you's getting them more frequently than usual these days, or has it always been like that?
  3. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say he's a chink.
  4. Not for nothing but buildings getting hit by airplanes is pretty rare too, and they still try to build them to withstand that. Just because something's rare, doesn't mean that it won't happen. The tard kinda has a point.
  5. ^That's not very prepared. Then again I'm kinda siding with the people saying that this cat 1 or 2 hurricane is being blown out of proportion so I'm sure you'll find something open tomorrow.
  6. Fuck a Joe Vento. Cop loving Republican ass dickhead.
  7. Her daughter was accused of throwing a brick at a cop car you fucking idiot. And it was the DAUGHTER who was the "ambassador to the Olympics", not the mother you illiterate retard. And who are you to be speaking on "the tenants of society"? You're a fucking hermit who was adopted by some chinks and therefore claims to be Chinese. And goes on vacation with your adopted parents to Hawaii and stays holed up in the fucking hotel room posting on Tinychat the whole time. On webcam so that we can see that you're really in a fucking hotel room the whole time that you're in Hawaii. Seriously... Shut the fuck up soup.
  8. Damn... it's been like 2 weeks and they're already sentencing niggas??? I always thought that Americas "right to a speedy trial" was an oxymoron being as it takes years of court dates until you're actually tried or offered a plea bargain. And here I always just assumed that it took longer in the country that we supposedly created that non-existent law in protest of. Also if they keep slamming niggas like this, I hope to God that it leads to England being the next Libya. Then maybe America will be next.
  9. This quake was centered in Virgina where last I heard it's still illegal for a woman to suck her husbands cock. Gods wrath is bearing down on the red necks. That's why he also blew over that stage at that country music show in Indiana.
  10. I've never experienced an earthquake. I'm almost mad that I missed out on this shit.
  11. I heard Paris is a graffiti playground. And that the bitches love the dick, but have hairy armpits. That is all.
  12. Actually all three were released and none of them "admitted guilt", they had to sign some shit saying that "there's some kind of evidence against them". Even though there wasn't. But who in their right mind is not going to sign whatever to get out after rotting for 18 years in prison? It was clearly a move to prevent them from collecting bank for false imprisonment. Hopefully they'll make bank selling their story.
  13. It's about 6 years old. And every time I bring this up somebody else says they have the same problem. But of course that doesn't register in your trustafarian world where everybody internets from either an Ipad or whatever latest computer came out last month. Those of us who still use ancient 6 year old computers don't exist. Just like People who smoke Mexican weed don't exist. And oldheads who still call weed "dope" don't exist in your spandex jeans and hipster beard bubble. One more serious question though: If nobody outside of your pretentious bubble exists, then who are you typing to? Yourself? Actually come to think of it, you have always came across as the type of dude who runs his mouth just to hear himself speak.
  14. Nobody was talking to you, Tom Sawyer pants. I have cable internet you fucking idiot, and clearly others have the same problem. Go snort some more lines until your brain bleeds out your ass.
  15. ^Exactly. Pausing the shit to let it buffer doesn't do shit, it still looks like somebody thumbing through a hand drawn cartoon on a stack of paper.
  16. Not that there's much competition out there these days, but it doesn't suck. I can dig it.
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