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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Nah, the tailbone is just some rounded philips head shit. Nose bone is sex bolts though. Nose bone says "POWELL NOSE BONE III WIDE".
  2. Yo Substance, I was gonna wait till Celt started coming in here again to post this. But I think you could probably appreciate it just as much. My boy just gave me this shit for $20. He got it from some oldhead who I think gave it to him. As you can see it's pre-fish tail. I think it's the first run ever when Tony Hawk first turned pro. It has the dragon logo instead of the ripper, but it's not Bonite. It's got the OG indies and what I believe to be the original Rat Bones. I don't recognize the rails, but the tailbone is Variflex and all signs point to it being from when Variflex was a legit company back when Lance Mountain used to ride for them. The bearings are rusted solid, but I'm gonna put some Swiss in there and get it rolling again just for the fuck of it.
  3. ^Oh snap... You been skating longer than me. :lol: This was my second one.
  4. This was my first legit board. Before that it was a Variflex from K-Mart.
  5. I've been saying for years that it seems like everyone from DC has that DC pop. Even my boy who moved to Philly from there back in the day had ridiculous pop. I can't think of a single DC head who doesn't have a serious ollie game. I've always joked that it must be something in the water.
  6. I sometimes wish I could go back to being a teen so I could do a few things differently. I also miss fucking 16 year olds.
  7. My family was under the delusion that you're supposed to bury your life in a full time job at 18. My grandparents and their siblings were the biggest proponents of this mindset. Thank God I never took them people serious.
  8. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE STREAM God bless Lawrence O'Donnell!!!! This is seriously the first time I've ever seen anybody from mainstream media EVER speak the truth about the police in this country. Watch all of this, but especially 5:11 and up. If you don't have the attention span to watch all of this, then at least fast forward to 5:11 and watch it from there. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/44679119#44679119
  9. This reminds me of that day when the world was supposed to end back in 92 or 93. There was this chick in my class who I wanted to violate like no tomorrow. We were looking out the window looking for signs that the world was going to end and she said that if we see comets falling from the sky that we should all just break into an orgy. I was a horny teenager who was hoping to see comets fall from the sky.
  10. ^I've seen those from Powell. I didn't know Girl was doing them too.
  11. The Barnyard was the first double tail followed by the vision double kick and the New deal Siamese, but they didn't really change anything because most people saw them as a gimmick at the time. Noses longer than tails didn't become the standard till around 92. I'd say that the biggest changes in the way people skated around that time were sparked by Love Child, 1281 and Virtual Reality. Tricks literally became mandatory to learn, then were "out" in the span of months. In 1991 if you couldn't do impossibles and late shove-its you sucked. Then by 92 if you couldn't do pressure flips and late flips you sucked, and if you were still doing impossibles and late shove-its you were a kook. Then by 93 it was all about noseslide to crooks and and 5-0 to fakie 5-0's and if you were still doing pressure flips and late flips you were a kook. I can see why certain people hate that era in skateboarding, I remember a lot of people just giving up and quitting after each Plan-B video came out. But I had a lot of fun in those days. Slick bottoms were dope, but they'd be deadly these days the way kids wax the fuck out of everything. Or maybe that's just where I'm at.
  12. Anybody feel like explaining what's going on here?
  13. 1991 and 1992 were literally two different era's in skateboarding.
  14. If somebody skates in a pink tu-tu, but they're really good at skateboading... does that automatically make them off limits on the pink tu-tu jokes?
  15. He WAS at a professional level when YOU were barely learning how to ride off of a curb without eating shit. During a time when professional skateboarders had to work a second job just to pay the rent. Like you said, you barely started skateboarding in 1992. So like I said, watch your mouth. And after reading the rest of your rant, I'm 100% convinced that you're just some butt hurt kid who was too scared to come to Love back in the day because your boy went there once and got robbed.
  16. Everybody skated slow back then. Cardiel and Kris Markovich and a select few Love locals are seriously the only names that I can think of who actually skated fast in 1992. Rick Oyola skated fast as fuck back then, but he was doing pressure flips and switch rocket flips two inches off the ground just like every other "Curb Monkey". Food for thought.
  17. ^Nigga I'll pressureflip yo head!!!! /nomongo
  18. Pepe Martinez was fucking sick. You kinda almost have an argument in regards to Harold Hunter beacause he did fall off over the years, but Pepe was one of the sickest skateboarders up until he died. Pepe was a fucking beast. Watch your mouth. And FYI, no self respecting skateboarder ever wore JNCO jeans. JNCO caught on with ravers and fruit booters AFTER Blind and Big Deal (New Deal) jeans were already played in skateboarding. Barely any if any skateboarders were ever rocking them type of jeans by the time JNCO was ever even heard of.
  19. All ethnicities aside and assuming that that was just an innocent slip of the tongue, reffuring to early 90's street skaters as "curb monkeys" is a slap in the face of street skating. Street skating was born on curbs. And 90% of the tricks being done today wouldn't even exist if it weren't for the "curb monkeys" who basically invented street skating.
  20. No, I can't. Maybe I am a hesh dog after all.
  21. ^Says the dumb ass who still keeps calling me a hesh dog. LMAO!
  22. I wish I was a trustafarian. I would totally live that shit up too.
  23. A month since what happened? The "super ramp" or your full blown tampon status where everybody was telling you to get lost? Instead of even attempting to respond to the rest of your post reverting back to you thinking that I'm some wannabe Duane Peters, I'm just gonna go ahead let you play yourself with that one. Cause even the people who hate me on here would have a good laugh at that.
  24. You know what, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking guessing that chest high ollies could be achieved ollieing off of a bump. There really is no logic in that. All logic points to chest high ollies only being achieved after first clearing a gap. You too can ollie chest high if you go fast enough and clear a gap first. No bump or performance enhancing drugs necessary. I now see the light. That V-neck you're rockin in the BSM thread however does in fact violate all laws of gravity and logic.
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