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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Anybody who is over the age of 19 who honestly still believes that Republicans and Democrats are all the same needs to put down the bong and pay attention to what's going on in this country. Or are you still living in Thailand?
  2. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan It's about somebody who's running for the highest office in politics. America is not a business, it's a country. A world power at that. If you don't think the superintendent of your kid's school district is doing a good enough job, would you seriously consider replacing him with a mail man?
  3. Nigga did a feeble fakie yet can barely even stand on a board.
  4. Her hand looks like she's been bombing. :lol: I see some dark green or gray on her index finger.
  5. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Liberals like Obama are trying to save this country from the Republicans who have been destroying it for the past 30 or so years. Republicans have turned America into the U.S. of Wallstreet. "Liberals" want America to be about the People again. Republicans don't give a shit about anything other than their personal bank accounts, this country be damned.
  6. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Assuming any of that is even true, WTF does any of that have to do with politics?
  7. In my experience, shoe goo or "goop" actually works a lot better than liquid nails. For those who don't have the means of bolting the shit down.
  8. ^That's why there's fencing around it to prevent you from falling. I'd probably still be holding back though regardless.
  9. Tig definitely stuck it in Gemma before coming to his senses and bitching out. The way I look at it is if you stick your dick in a virgin then decide you don't want to go through with it and pull out, she still had your dick inside her and is no longer a virgin. So then by this logic Tig kinda fucked Gemma.
  10. Is somebody fucking the hole in his head??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. You know this was propaganda put out by Ghadaffi, right? And that it's 100% bullshit, right?
  12. Sometimes it amazes me to find out how young some of you people are. Like when that one dude said that he was 17, after being on here for years. This is one of those times. *Edit, make that this is two of those times in one after reading the post above mine.
  13. Re: OCCUPY CHANNEL ZERO WITH POSTS ABOUT WALL STREET *making a difference* nevermind...
  14. Wait a minute... you're the fucking idiot who said "1%ers don't allow black members in their club". I'm the one who responded with a pic of the club house of a black MC that clearly says 1%ers on it. You're the one rockin the clown shoes buddy.
  15. Oh man... Cocaine is a helluva drug... http://www.spankwire.com/Tanner-Mayes-meltdown/video178269/
  16. I'm all for that occupy movement and all, but I would have screamed on that nut ass bitch and punched any dude who tried to play hero. I also broke my ankle back in 96 doing exactly what he's doing at 0:34. On the same ledge that he's doing it on.
  17. Nah, it's a lot more prevalent all of a sudden. At least where I'm at. I see more non club affiliated dudes riding Harleys and trying to rock that look then I see actual real bikers these days. Before when I'd see bikers it was almost guaranteed that they were repping one club or another, and it really wasn't that often that you'd see them out riding around. Now it seems like I can't drive a mile without seeing at least one dude on a Harley.
  18. LMAO @ "My daddy and his daddy ride motorcycles". :lol: And TripleSuplex, that other comment wasn't aimed at you. I was just speaking in general. Maybe it's just where I'm at, but I see a lot of what seems like dudes hopping on a bandwaggon ever since this show started.
  19. Texans rap like they have Down's syndrome.
  20. ^I'll bet you went out and bought a Harley too. Or did your dad give you one? Biker = the new hipster? Either way, it seriously cracks me up how many dudes riding Harleys I see every day since this show started. Dudes riding in packs all dressed up in the "Biker" look. Then when you drive up close to them instead of rocking some MC jacket and patches they all got on Harley Davidson gear that makes them kinda look the part. /notabiker,justsayingthough.
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