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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. ^That's what I said big guy. Yeah bro... he's hanging on to life on the floor of a garage. Not in ICU? Or I guess Tarra somehow finagled all that important equipment to the garage and did the surgery left handed? And Jax is gonna cover up for Ope while Clay's still alive? Yeah, that sounds like a brilliant deduction there Sherlock... my bad. I'll go put my nose in the corner now.
  2. No, they said something about pinning it on somebody else. Maybe you watched the shit on the internet or whatever and got a different preview for the next episode. If by any chance he actually is alive, I'm calling that all of you's are reading some spoiler shit somewhere and trying to claim it as your own predictions. Not that I would put it past this show at this point for him to still be alive after two to the lungs. Nor that I would put it past Ope, Jax and Clay to all just squash everything over some beers and think up some soap opera status scheme around why Clay is hooked up to life support in ICU. Fuck it, at this point I wouldn't put it past him just getting up and walking the shit off. I'm not even sure what the point of even trying to guess this shows next move is. But if they try to play it like Clay is still alive and everything's all good with him and Ope then I'm seriously gonna just give up and stop wasting my time watching this shit.
  3. In the previews for next weeks episode at the end of the show they mentioned something about trying to blame Clay's murder on the Mexicans or Niners or some shit.
  4. The mexicans down here pronounce marinara sauce like "mahdinada". And chicks named Maria butcher their own name by calling themselves "mahdia". That bitch in the pic up there is white. We have a lot of white bitches who claim they're Mexicans down here too.
  5. I remember seeing this dude up in Philly back in the day. He was good at that. As for this other shit he's on lately, I think my man here said it best:
  6. ^Well then post a link to the shit.
  7. He's that nigga, and that nigga's in the know.
  8. http://www.spankwire.com/Skinny-teen-brunette-gets-fucked-in-multiple-positions-and-gets-creampied/video308397/
  9. Until Glen comes through with his wife's titty pics, this thread is now about skinny bitches shaking their ass on the internet for money. http://www.spankwire.com/Fiona-is-a-skinny-hardcore-slut/video323904/
  10. Not for nothing but you sound like some sucker for love teenager who's so pussy whip in love with his first girlfriend that she's the only bitch that looks good to you.
  11. Fuck that, I love gripping hip bones and slamming pelvis while beating guts. But I'm also an equal opportunity fucker.
  12. I loves me some skinny bitches, but that jawn in the gif would still catch a bruising. Bitch in the gif is pretty much normal weight. I still loves me some skinny bitches though.
  13. That's a good start. How's about a pic that actually shows more of her though?
  14. And with me having to log in a third time to ask why I can't edit my post to ask what happened to the props button and all the ads?
  15. What's with the change up for logging in? And not being allowed to use the quick reply box and having to log in a second time for the new reply?
  16. This conversation reminds me of when people used to say that hip-hop and electronic music wasn't real music because it didn't involve actually playing instruments. (Looks like Mercer beat me to it.)
  17. Where I'm at there's skateparks popping up all over the city. It's mind boggling how many parents let their 3 or 4 year olds just wonder onto the course and use the banks and ramps as sliding boards while grown ass men are hauling ass at top speed all over the place. And these nut ass "parents" are just standing there watching like "what!?!?" just waiting for somebody to paralyze their kid.
  18. My boy went to SF and accidentally clobbered an old lady walking out her house. Some hero tackled him while he was all dazed trying to figure out what just happened and held him down for the cops and he caught charges for the shit.
  19. I've stated on here multiple times that I love skinny bitches and that I don't get this whole chubby chaser trend. Tattoos and colored hair just adds personality as far as I'm concerned. PM me her pics and then I'll give you a more honest answer as to how fap worthy she is and we can leave the chubby chasing peanut gallery out of this.
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