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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. I can't believe people are pretending to be shocked about this. You brainwash a bunch of 20 year old kids to be ruthless killers, send them to a foreign country armed to the teeth to do battle and kill people, all the while brainwashing them about how the people who they're killing (and/or being killed by) are not patriots fighting for their country like them but instead animals sent by satan, then act shocked and disgusted when a couple of these said 20 year olds pull out their dicks and piss on the corpses of people who's heads they just blew off with their high powered sniper rifles most likely during the heat of battle and possibly even after said corpses killed people they know? I mean come on 'MERICA!!! You're either for the war or with the Taliban... right?
  2. Ron Paul is a fucking nut. Most of his supporters only hear "I think pot should be legal" and everything else that comes out of his mouth just goes in one ear and out the other. The rest of his supporters are tea party assholes who actually hear what this jackass has to say about things other than weed and agree with him because they are tea party assholes and Ron Paul is the godfather of the fucking tea party. *Edit, I'm more than a few beers deep and it took me a minute to realize you were using sarcasm. I think we agree on what I said in this post.
  3. Your dream wasn't really about dogs or dolphins, it was about the corporate lobbyists paying the Republicans to run scam on us all while destroying the earth. And FYI dolphins evolved from dogs*, not the other way around. *Dog like animals.
  4. You are fucking retarded. You just said that you gave obama a chance to change the status quo, then turned around and in the same breath said that you're willing to give one of these McPublicans a chance to fix the economic catastrophe that was caused by 8 years of McPublicanism. The same exact McPublicanism that took Clinton's trillion dollar surplus and turned it into the deficit and recession that Obama is getting scapegoated for because people like you are too fucking stupid to remember just a few years ago and too fucking stupid to see the railroading that he's been put through ever since taking office. Not to mention the fact that you're too fucking stupid to see what little progress he actually has accomplished in the face of Republican opposition that is at full on war with any progress at all. And these are the assholes that you're trusting to bring progress to this country? After skimming through your failed attempts at jokes that were neither funny nor even remotely relevant, I'm 100% convinced that you really are fucking retarded.
  5. Actually it's pretty democratic leaning where I'm at. Not as much as Austin, but more than you would think for Texas.
  6. And during that time he accomplished health care reform which the Republicans are vowing to repeal, and gave a tax break to the working class which the Republicans just tried and failed to get rid of after fighting tooth and nail to preserve Bush's tax breaks for the filthy rich. He's also managed to end the war in Iraq with a Republican majority, and we have Republican presidential candidates talking about we should send our troops back into Iraq. Obama has been too pussy with trying to get along with these Republicans who's sole mission is to destroy his presidency at whatever cost to the country, but he could be a lot worse. And if one of these fucktards becomes our next president the shit is really going to hit the fan. So talk all the shit you want on Obama's performance, but look at the alternatives who are running for his job right now.
  7. Well then don't sit out this next election and allow one of these nut job Republicans to become president. Because they're the more likely people to abuse this type of shit, and anybody who thinks someone like Obama is going to round everyone up and throw them into concentration camps needs their head checked.
  8. ^I'll bet you actually think that's me.
  9. You fail to realize that they're not going to be rounding you up unless you're fucking with Al Qaeda. The real problem with this country is the fact that nobody fucking votes other than the vocal minority who tend to be evangelical redneck republicans. So even when people do finally get off their asses and vote for a president that isn't some right wing neo-con, the vocal minority just wait two years and vote in a congress that's main goal is to obstruct and prevent that president from accomplishing shit.
  10. Am I the only one who doesn't even bother clicking on RIPS links because it's always some bullshit?
  11. Back in the early 90's there used to be this disgusting bum with super long dreadlocks who would walk laps around the fountain at Love Park in what looked like a catatonic daze. He had the crotch of his pants cut out and one of those shit catchers that you see under horses that caught his shit. He'd be dragging that shit through the water in the fountain at Love with a blank stare on his face.
  12. First manless drones that accidentally bomb wedding parties in the middle east piloted by some dude playing a video game in Virgina. Now this. At this point I don't think I could even attempt a solid argument against anybody claiming that America is the devil. And anybody who doesn't think that this shit is going to end up in the hands of your local police force in less than 5 years is a fucking moron.
  13. I look nothing at all like that. But I'd fuck the living shit out of Seyer at home.
  14. If they reformed campaign finance and mandated voting there would be no more Republican party. At least not in Washington. And then we wouldn't have these types of problems.
  15. When I'm that shitfaced I type exactly like how I just typed this post. It might take me a few seconds longer though.
  16. ^Word, now go vote for one of the Republicans running against him. Or do the equivalent by not voting at all. That'll show him. Cut off your face to spite your nose while you're at it.
  17. I remember when Swampfight used to do this.
  18. So in other words they are in fact cops. Thank you for your input, soup.
  19. Yeah, me clowning somebody for saying that park police are not real cops = me saying trees are snakes. Fucking assclowns.
  20. They can only hold you for the cops. I can't believe this is even in dispute. You people argue over the dumbest shit. Trolls.
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