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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. "h4rdc0r3 thu6s" wore bell-bottoms in the 70s? Or are you saying "h4rdc0r3 thu6s" wear raver pants circa 1993? WTF are you talking about?
  2. I had a bloody massacre story similar to yours in this chicks basement while her parents were upstairs watching TV in the living room. Pretty sure I already told it on 12oz before though so I'll spare the details. We were able to figure out a way to clean up the mess though. You's should have just drove back to your crib or a homies crib or some shit and got to cleaning that shit as best as you could. Or better yet, one of her friends cribs so that she could have a change of clothes to come home in. Fuck the 11:30 curfew. Even if there was some residual stains left over it wouldn't be the bloody, backseat, sex dungeon massacre that you let this broad come home to mommy and daddy with. And I'm sure you's could'a invented some story about a friend busting his head skateboarding or some shit when they asked about any little stains that were left after cleaning that shit. Sounds like you ruined this broads life. She probably hates your guts and always will for the rest of her life.
  3. Also, it aint like Skrew gets a pass for ignorance which kind of seems like the point you're trying to make. He knows what he's doing when he stomps out an entire walls of fillins and pieces. All the rep in the world don't mean shit when you're an outa-towner in a new city and you pull that shit. You said nobody used to consider R-lines rep, but then you said that now everybody does. So then by your own point, mentioning that most people didn't used to consider it rep in the 80's is irrelevant today. We do agree on people having a selective and fickle sense of rules these days though.
  4. I specifically remember seeing a lot of graff on the R-lines long before Kunt and Syphi ever came to town. the Amtrack/R-lines from Univercity city area all the way to JFK was like a wall of fame. I even remember seeing Razz, Rob, Dane, Suroc, Braze, Jay-Cee, Estro, MrBlint to name a few all through west and southwest on the R-Lines that was still riding from the 80's. Nope, Nemel, Enem, Credit... the list goes on. The R-Lines were definitely bombed back in the day.
  5. This might just be the best advice I've ever read in my life.
  6. Chicks cheat for the same reason men do. To get off on some strange. Then they try to make up some psychological excuse for it in an attempt to make it sound like her dude had it coming, whereas men usually admit that they just wanted some strange.
  7. hit her in the lower back with a piece of firewood!!!
  8. Under normal circumstances you never look a gift horse in the mouth. But those aren't normal circumstances. Dude probably wants the peace of mind of it to going to somebody who will take care of it rather than scrap it, but unless you're balling like that and super motivated to put in that work then it's probably not worth it. Boats are money pits. If he's willing to pay you to dismantle it then that's the route I'd personally go. Just tell him you appreciate the offer but you're just not financially set to do anything with it.
  9. Inkface is a dope graff name.
  10. ^This guy just summed up your boy's problem and his answer all in one big red word.
  11. Actually the best advice would be to disregard bitches and acquire bounty. Or something like that. So don't quote me for being honest.
  12. Why don't she just pound a 40 while she's at it? SMH
  13. Also, that accusation of Banksy having a career does not look like it was done by Robbo. And unless I need to relearn the English language, the tag next to it definitely does not say Robbo. I might need to learn some other language to decipher what it does say though.
  14. As much as I can't stand people like Banksy, I would have left the "FUCKING ROBBO" live. I would have took it as a bow down.
  15. ^This actually says a lot more about you than you should have volunteered about yourself on here. Homo.
  16. Maybe this one will make up for the one that I just posted.
  17. S.A. has some good parks popping up lately. They're all kinda on the small side, but at least there's a lot of them and each one is different from the rest. Best park I've ever skated though is House park in Austin. (Mute this idiot. Only posting this because it gives a good view of the whole park.)
  18. It turns off by itself as soon as I leave the parking lot of work.
  19. Of course. Who clocks out to take a shit?
  20. This caveman just posted a thread on the Internet with his iPod while taking a shit at work. That is all.
  21. That's exactly what a skate park should look like. Even though I'm sick to death of grinding angle iron, I gotta wonder how long those marble benches are gonna last after the BMX dudes get a hold of them.
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