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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Asian women are the worst. Give them half a beer or send them a text while they're driving and you have yourself a triple threat.
  2. Re: Any Pre-2006 members on anymore? 12oz taught me how to use the internet. True story.
  3. ^You take a stance on how it's ok to talk on your phone or text while driving because most people can pull it off yet some idiots ruin it for the rest, while at the same time arguing that it's somehow different when it comes to driving drunk and that nobody at all can drive drunk without fucking up and we'll have ourselves an argument.
  4. Bunch of over analyzing ass niggas up in this thread.
  5. Just like driving while talking on the phone is "mundane" to a lot of people, so is driving while drunk to others. Just like how some people crash into the back of semis just because they're talking on the phone, doesn't mean most people can't talk on the phone while driving. The same goes for driving drunk. It's always the idiots who ruin it for the rest of us.
  6. Your boys dad kills himself because he was talking on his phone, so you give up driving drunk? :confused:
  7. Why is he being charged with two counts of killing one dude?
  8. When I don't wanna make babies, I just aim for the titties. Or at least that's what I did before my wife got her cervix plugged with the IUD. Now I just creampie her without consequences. This nigga about to get himself neutered in 2012... SMFH.
  9. I said he's "worse". As in they both suck, but Nutters done more damage to Philadelphia than Street.
  10. Nutter is worse than Street, and I was making the comparison when Nutter was just some nut ass council member following in Street's foot steps and road map to becoming Mayor by making a name for himself by being the most uptight piece of shit set out to ban everything that he can. I predicted that he was gonna make a run for the mayors office years before he ever did. And the bulldozing of City hall was on the slates since before the occupy movement, but had it been in response to that then that would have been even more of a douchebag move than it already is.
  11. No, I'm talking about nut ass Nutter who just had city hall bulldozed the other day. Nut ass Nutter who while in city council proposed the bill to shut down Love park. Yes, Street was the mayor then. Nutter is the mayor now. He had Dilworth Plaza (city hall) bulldozed. And Love Park is next on the slate. And Nutter is and always has been a piece of shit.
  12. Says the guy who posted a link to a story about some kids beating up a cabby like that's some end of the world shocking shit. And have you ever left NEP? What do you know about "inner city life"?
  13. You're barking up the wrong tree. Ralph wears tight pants and smedium shirts.
  14. I thought this was gonna be a 20 years of sagging pants thread. But then I realized that that would've probably been last year.
  15. So does he actually write, or are they just calling him a "graffiti artist" because he used spraypaint? (I only read a paragraph or two before losing interest.)
  16. How the fuck would you get the building supplies up there, much less build it? And why? Please tell me this is photoshopped.
  17. So some kids lumped up a cabbie and his passenger and that's shocking to you?
  18. "Since 1988", that includes the late 80's and early 90's when the murder rates in Philly shat on the murder rates now. Not to mention the Iraq war didn't start till 2003. Like I said before... beware of propaganda.
  19. As the idiot asshole bulldozes city hall just to spite skateboarders.
  20. So they tried to beat the dealer and crashed into something? Then ran for their lives leaving behind the car with their insurance cards and shit with dudes address and all that in it? Is that what I saw?
  21. The only thing Worcestershire sauce goes on is liver. That's it. And liver is completely unedible without it. Anybody who ruins a steak with that shit is a fucking asshole. Yeah... my moms used to make me eat liver when I was a kid. Fuck you for making me remember that.
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