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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. What are you afraid she's going to do, get mad? What is this 1950? If your wife gets mad at you watching porn much less seeing tits on the internet then maybe you shoulda thought twice about marrying her. You know what... fuck it. Maybe dudes should be thanking you for taking her off the market.
  2. Not trying to overtly stick up for some kid who got killed cause he was on train tracks with his ipod blaring, but he lived in the neighborhood that bordered those tracks. And that neighborhood is hood. So what "advantages" are you speaking of that puts a derelict graffiti vandal like yourself on such a higher pedestal? Just wondering where you're coming from.
  3. I'm mad as shit that that "I will always love you" song has been stuck in my head for two days thanks to the fact that I can't watch the news without hearing it.
  4. Bro... just cause I chalked it up to natural selection that he was dumb enough to be standing on train tracks with his ipod cranked doesn't mean that it's not fucked up to be laughing at some 17 year old kid's death by freight train. Nor does it take away from my point that graffiti derelicts hating on graffiti derelicts for graffiti dereliction is hypocritical. Never said I wasn't coming back. And who's derailing a thread with argumentative bullshit right now? And you wanna call people hypocrite?
  5. Yeah. My boy knows somebody who went to school with the kid or something. That's the story he heard anyways. Still no word on what the kid wrote though.
  6. When did I ever say I was gonna stay away from 12oz?
  7. I know. Couldn't help it after hearing about the ipod.
  8. So apparently the kid didn't hear the train coming because he had his fucking ipod cranked. I guess painting a train in broad daylight in plain view at a not so chill spot wasn't enough in the "weeee!!! look at me!!! I don't give a fuck!!!" department so he had to up the ante and crank his ipod. Natural selection.
  9. ^You do that. *Wait... did this mo who posts pics of himself all emo as fuck just call me "emokid"?
  10. That deck came from 1992 and was closer to the one that Banksy bit. Yes i remember the original from 1991 or so. I didn't have the original, but I had the one that I posted. Either way you get my drift.
  11. So then it's only in-house and doesn't apply for if you're trying to get a job at a different company then?
  12. I think he was clowning him for being mad old first time he smoked weed and you took it the other way.
  13. I hate that shit. I always assume that's the persons voicemail and hang up when I hear music instead of a ring thinking that their phone is turned off. Would you be calling her a "niggahbitch" if the niggahbitch was white? Cause I smell racism in your tone.
  14. No, Burger King is still Burger king in Washington state. And hungry Jack is still pancake mix there too. I'm assuming you meant western Australia, but I had to be a dick anyways.
  15. Says the fucking idiot who dips his hand in a biohazardous cancer vat then sucks on his fingers for teh lolz. And here I thought you posting pics of yourself on here gaying out like Richard Simons was a stupid idea. I was being real when I said that I don't hope you get cancer though. You can take that for whatever that's worth. Or not. Like I really give a shit.
  16. ^How is him getting $22mil a "joke" after being thrown in a holding cell for 2 and a half years? Would you think it was a joke if it was you? If I'm misunderstanding you then by all means please elaborate.
  17. How does that shit work? What is this "National data base" that you speak of? I was under the impression that prospective employers can only ask former employers if you worked there during the time that you said. (Somebody told me that was the law or some shit) I always say that I was "laid off", even from jobs that I was fired from.
  18. All internet beef aside, I had no idea you were this stupid. I'm not gonna be a dick by hoping you get cancer though.
  19. Oh but on topic though, this big ass nigga who was fresh out the pen got hired on as a bus boy at this restraunt where I was bar backing back in the day. It was kinda a ritzy ass place too, but while I was telling him not to do some dumb ass shit that he was doing he decided to get all loud and start cursing me out in front of all these old rich people. In an attempt at giving dude a good look, I told him to chill and lets talk about it around the corner behind the bar (out of view of the customers). Somehow he took that as me calling him out to fight though, so as soon as we turned the corner this damn near 7 foot ass motherfucker grabs me by my shirt and jacks me up against the wall like he was about to fuck me up. Not even thinking I instinctively grabbed his hands and twisted them until i felt and heard one of them pop and crunch in my hand. Security rushed up and deaded the shit. I was told to chill at home for a couple days then come see the boss on Tuesday. Tuesday rolls around and I show up to see said big ass nigga also waiting to see the boss with his entire lower arm all casted up and shit. We get called in separately, and when it's my turn the boss asks what happened. I told him exactly what happened. He tells me that it's company policy that the both of us get fired. And so I got fired that Tuesday. On my fucking birthday.
  20. You should have fucked her on the low then denied it. If you're gonna get blamed for the shit then you might as well have experienced it at least. I lost my virginity to a 13 year old, but she said she was 15 and was way more mature than me so that doesn't really count. Plus them were different times back then. If you were a virgin after 7th grade you were a total loser. Bitch fucked and sucked like a champ too. I had to stop her from sucking my dick because I almost nutted in her mouth, and to this day it takes a LOT for a bitch to actually make me nut from head. Less than a handfull have ever even accomplished that feat. TMI?
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