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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Somebody once said that it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. But how the fuck would you know that if you've only experienced one or the other? Wait... WTF am I rambling about? Go tell your wife to beat her new step moms ass while you chin check her pussy whipped father and tell him to stop being a little bitch.
  2. You definitely had it worse, but your wife is 100% in the right if she ever decides to take a 20 mile drive and beat the living shit out of her dads new piece of ass. I don't give a fuck how good the pussy is, somebody should chin check her pops for acting like a pussy whipped little teenager. ^Does she have any brothers?
  3. I don't remember this. It must have been one of those times when I was banned and found better things to occupy my time with. I just assumed it had to be Stan because he's the only person I can think of who's ever used the word "mook" other than some neighborhood toy in Philly who actually writes Mook.
  4. Home owners insurance covers nothing. Nothing at all. And certainly nothing to do with your truck being robbed which has nothing at all to do with your house anyways.
  5. Hey asshole: Next time you see a pitbull running around scared and it's friendly enough to let you get close to it, take it the fuck in before some other asshole snatches it up and introduces it to the world of dog fighting or some other other asshole runs it the fuck over. It probably got out of it's owners yard. Pitbulls have an amazing talent for doing that no matter how much you try to make it impossible for them to do so.
  6. ^What he said. If that's you skating like Jesus, then you skate almost as good as you piece. Is that Medford park?
  7. If you're the one behind that "Mooklife" shit, then I take back any fun I ever made of you on here. That is all. Nohomo.
  8. I thought incest was illegal? How are people not catching charges over this shit?
  9. That's why you don't climb into empty coal cars. Much less fall asleep in them. Natural selection.
  10. Frankie Hill was the fucking shit. He was the original Pat Duffy or Jamie Thomas or even Cardiel for that matter. Glad to see him getting at least some kind of dues after all these years. And fuck Powell for fucking over Frankie Hill.
  11. It's fucking Minnesota brah!!! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabin_fever [ATTACH]169928.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. Is that some kind of slang for getting drunk and fingerbanging your blindfolded daughter?
  13. Jesus fucking christ the parents knew they were making out with their kids??? REPUBLICAN PEOPLE!!!
  14. She's saying it's all good to raw dog cream pie her filthy hooker snatch.
  15. Where do you get the impression that I fail at life? Didn't you leave your wife for a tranny in a Slayer shirt or some shit?
  16. Ed Rendell was shady a piece of shit. But I'd vote for him over any Republican all day.
  17. Am I the only one calling bullshit on this slow nigga balling anywhere near like he says he is?
  18. My man Otis from out front of Wawa by Love park would have gave the illest soundbites that would have shat all over anybody in these videos. Dude was a Vietnam vet/POW who got shot the fuck up in Cambodia and wasn't shy about showing off the scars to prove it. He also apparently ate way too much acid back in the 70's. I wonder if Otis is even still alive. That dude was my favorite bum of all time.
  19. ^Rumor has it, that nigga had his cronies hunt down some dude from another city for getting a marker tag on the fence outside the governors mansion. Mad tax dollars were spent on that detective work. On another note, Rick Perry is actually dumber than Bush jr. That ad was not just some act to pander to the evangelicals... he really is a borderline retard. Apparently an extremely low IQ is a requirement for getting elected for governor in Texas.
  20. This nigga NorteRed's props bars flip flop almost as much as a Republican presidential candidate.
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