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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Yet you're willing to let her spread eagle all over the rest of the internet? You sound like a genius.
  2. If your wife wants to shake her ass on the internet, she also wants to shake her ass on other dudes faces. This means that half your family (who were probably even at your wedding) will eventually see her shaking her ass on the internet. And most likely on other dudes faces. And cocks. Can't turn a ho into a housewife bro. But yo, if you're into that sort of thing then it sounds like you married a winner.
  3. Most chicks don't even have their hymen anymore by that age anyways. Any half decent looking chick past the age of 15 has had at least a couple dudes fingers in her snatch.
  4. Dudes in the van were ATF failing at faking a mexican kidnapping, that's why they didn't buck any shots when they had their guns pointed right at Jax's face. Mexicans said "your VP got in the way" because the hitman was in the park and witnessed the whole thing and they were trying to play it off like they were in control of the situation.
  5. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan Not only do Republicans try and glaze over Roosevelts New Deal and try to paint the WW2 war industry as the soul thing that got us out of the Great Depression, but the grains of truth they use to try to paint that picture are the fact that a serious amount of people were given middle class jobs building everything from ammunition to airplanes to MRI's to boots and clothing and every single other thing that is used in warfare. Not only for us, but for our allies. There was no such thing as "made in China" in 1941. Not even the staunchest arguers for the New Deal being what officially pulled us out of the great depression will argue that WW2 didn't play a significant roll in building the middle class economic boom that followed WW2, so you should seriously consider whatever source it was that you got this nonsensical dribble from. I seriously can't even be bothered to read anything else that you typed after that first paragraph of stupidity. I'm going to bed shaking my head at you.
  6. I think when you're going that fast you really have no option other than to just try and ride it out. I wonder if people in SF are so accustomed to dudes bombing hills all the time that it's just second nature to keep an eye out for them.
  7. I'm sure his point was that every other 16 year old in 2011 has nollie late flips and double healflips on lock so anybody doing that shit in 1992 needs to go forward in time and step their game up. And something about curbs. Who the fuck skates curbs in 2011? Tell dude to take that shit back to 1992.
  8. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan ^Hey faggot, how many screen names are you going to make to troll us with your faggotry? You even admitted defeat with your last one. Go away.
  9. 19 and a virgin? And selling said virginity? Of course she's a virgin. The whore even says she is. Why would she lie? [ATTACH]169017.vB[/ATTACH]
  10. For some reason I can picture this as the soundtrack that mad oldheads from the 80's smoked their first rocks to.
  11. Penn State didn't die though. It just started a NAMBLA NAMBLA NAMBLA frat house. [ATTACH]169016.vB[/ATTACH]
  12. Andy Rooney. Joe Frazier. Heavy D.
  13. Well whenever it happened to me I just felt literally paralyzed and couldn't even breath like some ghost or some shit was smothering me or trying to take over my body or some shit. I didn't hear any wild noises, infact it might have even been dead silence. That shit alone was terrifying enough, I could only imagine what that shit's like combined with somebody screaming in tongues.
  14. I've had this shit before and was 100% convinced at the time that some demon or some shit was trying to possess my body on some exorcist type shit. I just mentally fought it off as best I could whenever that happened. It's only happened maybe a handful of times in my life. I never heard no foreign languages or explosions or nothing though, I would chalk that up to the drugs that you were apparently on.
  15. Please explain what you mean by "way too crazy". Everything that ever came out of oldheads mouth was on point.
  16. I definitely have you confused with that canuk who moved to TX and started wearing cowboy hats and listening to country music. My bad.
  17. Yoooo was this the dude in some graff video talking bout dudes all on his dick trying to get in his crew and he's like "Yo Neo... how I get in your crew"... "well you gotta blow my dick, or you gotta get a bitch to do it!!!"? :lol:
  18. I could have swore you had a kid with some chick from 12oz who you moved to Texas with a few years ago. At the rate people change their names on here maybe I'm just blurring peoples SN's.
  19. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/nov/04/occupy-oakland-second-veteran-injured?fb=optOut
  20. Glad I'm not the only one on here who appreciated this legend. He always told it like it is...
  21. Speaking of tits, whatever happened to Zebradrips?
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