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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. I think you might be thinking of wax-wood. Not the same thing.
  2. I don't think there was any secret meaning behind the Venture AWAKE series. I think it just literally meant awake as in wake up and ride Ventures. Some people would bitch about slicks being heavy but that was just nonsense. I've always been in the camp of the lighter the better, but what usually makes the difference in weight are the trucks and the size deck you ride. Some companies wood weighs more than other companies wood, but slick bottom was just a thin layer of plastic that really didn't make any noticeable difference in weight. And Javonte rode for World. World was notorious for being weak as fuck and breaking on flatground tricks. Slick bottom or not.
  3. THANK YOU!!! http://www.spankwire.com/Skin-Diamond-school-girl/video314865/
  4. Any bets on how long this guy lasts in lock up before he gets killed? I wouldn't be surprised if he gets killed in county.
  5. Anything I've said on this issue is completely related to this show. Because this thread is about the show. Nothing in this show up to this point points to them having beef with one of their members if they found out he was half black. And bro, there's entire black motorcycle clubs. [ATTACH]168464.vB[/ATTACH] The 1% isn't some organization, it's just a term bikers use to represent their way of life. I'll bet you went out and bought a Harley and grew a beard after this show aired.
  6. Re: Anyone ever heard of this chick? To be fair though, doesn't every cunt bleed from time to time?
  7. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan You did in fact say it yourself when you typed it on the internet without any disclaimer saying that you were copy pasting it from any where else. So if those aren't really your words, then don't type them as if they are.
  8. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan We live in what is rapidly on its way to becoming a third world country because they are legally allowed to ship American jobs to other third world countries. Their response is "oh well we can get cheaper labor there." In other words, their stated goal is to eliminate the American middle class and replace it with third world labor. And they're holding our economy hostage until they achieve their goal of bringing America back to the third world country that we were before the Union movement came along and created the middle class by demanding better wages, 40 hour weeks as opposed to 70 hour weeks, and weekends and holidays off. Reaganomics failed in the 80's. And Reaganomics failed under Bush. Because "trickle down economics" is a fucking MYTH. Rich people do not put their money back into the economy, they hoard it and invest overseas. This is a proven fact that was proven in the 80's when Reagan first tried that shit, and was proven double in recent years. Tax breaks on the rich coupled with a lack of regulations are to blame for our jobs being shipped over seas and middle class incomes being eliminated by said jobs being shipped over seas to third world countries who are now our competition in the work force thanks to globalization (trickle down economics). This is exactly what they were protesting against in Seattle back in 2000. And as far as "what would you do?" Personally I'd ban American based companies from using foreign labor. I would make it a crime punishable by serious prison time. I'd also reinstate tariffs to the point that China wouldn't even be able to afford to bombard us with their pathetically made bullshit. Yes the prices of goods would go up, but then so would American workers wages. What the fuck would China be without our junkie consumerism? And what were we before we created an economy that made it permissible for them to steal our jobs without ever setting foot in our country?
  9. Re: Anyone ever heard of this chick? If 50 Cent had a daughter with Kate Moss...
  10. I think he's just trying to ease his way out of the closet.
  11. Re: Anyone ever heard of this chick? I for one love skinny bitches. But I've been inside hotter. Not sure if that's saying much.
  12. And what exactly made you come to this conclusion? They've kicked it with black bikers in previous episodes, and one of them has a kid with a black woman. Do you even watch this show?
  13. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan How the fuck is it going to get us back into shape??? It's going to tax the rich even less then they are at this point when they're getting taxed even less then they have since the 1930's, and it's gong to tax everyone else more. You faggots keep screaming about being taxed, Obama lowered your taxes and is getting shat on for trying to raise the top 1%ers taxes back to what they were before Bush decided that cutting taxes on the rich while simultaneously starting two wars was a hot idea. Who the fuck cuts taxes during time of war? That's what got us into this debt in the first place, and this out of touch jackass wants to cut taxes even more for the rich while jacking taxes up on the rest of us. What's going to get us "back in shape" is the filthy rich going back to paying their share of taxes, not everybody else having to pay an extra 9% sales tax on everything including milk and shit that doesn't even get locally sales taxed. Combined with the state sales tax, that's a 17% sales tax on everything that I buy where I'm at.
  14. Re: Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Economic Renewal Plan You gotta love the hypocrisy of Republicans screaming about being taxed then clamoring for a nut who would tax the working class more while taxing the rich even less then they are now. "Stop taxing me bro!!!! Vote for the guy who wants to slap a 9% sales tax on top of whatever my local state tax is bro!!!" 666
  15. So either somebody was outside popping off fireworks in the middle of a gun fight, or your girl needs a good slap. Was she at least really high when she got somebody shooting a gun confused with popping off fireworks? I'm not gonna bother reading through this whole thread so forgive me if this has already been addressed.
  16. Or he could have just sat down with the club and told them that he's half black and that the Sheriff thought he could use that to blackmail him into snitching on the club. I really don't see how him being black would even be an issue with the Sons.
  17. Yeah... and an entire trailer full of gasoline produces no fumes. Especially after getting punctured with multiple holes by hot bullets. *facepalm.jpeg
  18. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE NURGA STREAM Did you seriously just post a link to Glenn Beck??? Are you seriously telling people to listen to a word that compulsive lying faggot has to say??? Do you seriously watch Glenn Beck??? You have to be trolling.
  19. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE NURGA STREAM Sometimes I wonder if 12oz is just one giant troll.
  20. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE NURGA STREAM After scrolling through your posts I'm 99% confident that you're 99 pounds soak and wet, wear tight pants and are barely out of highschool. Oh wait...
  21. Re: OCCUPY WALL STREET NYC LIVE NURGA STREAM You are sticking up for the police. Why the fuck should he have to start a riot when he clearly made his point just by showing his medals and verbally pwning them pussies to the point where they had nothing to say/do and were basically just dumbstruck and standing around with their own dicks up their asses?
  22. Exactly. All this supposed anxiety about them finding out that he's half black makes about as much sense as Jacks ducking behind a gas truck and it not exploding after getting lit the fuck up with massive amounts of hot bullets.
  23. ^This! I refuse to call her anything else.
  24. The unrealistic shit just gets more and more prevalent with each episode. I can't speak for anyone else on here, but I've always hated unrealistic shit in movies/TV. It makes me lose interest. And I don't remember the first season or two having this problem.
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