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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  2. Somebody tell this nigga stop biting. Banksy: Real Jim Thiebaud deck circa 1992:
  3. Sounds like she probably had an infant at home. Probably being watched by her parents or baby daddy while she was getting ran triz on by a bunch of dudes in some grimy ass basement. You should look this winner up on facebook or some shit and post the link for lols.
  4. My entire life I've always given the false impression that I'm mad when I'm actually chillin. Slaying dipshits is kinda therapeutic for me and makes me the opposite of mad.
  5. Nevermind... I really don't care that much.
  6. The first one I clicked on was images of some bullshit 80's digital watch that I probably had in elementary school. I didn't even bother clicking on the other link after that bullshit. You fucking suck.
  7. Just wanted to say that derelict graffiti vandals bitching about derelict teenagers drinking/fucking/graffiti vandalizing at their derelict honeycomb hideouts makes me laugh. And that derelict graffiti vandals openly laughing at the death of another derelict graffiti vandal whether toy or not is on some other shit. RIP 17 year old kid.
  8. So in other words you're trying to streamline all of Ch0 into your own personal thread?
  9. "Consulting" my ass, you're about to bust your ass doing that fracking bullshit. I almost fell for that shit myself. I decided that I have a family to attend to, and that blowing myself out in their absence wasn't really a good look though. But hey... do your thing doggie.
  10. I thought that's what the purpose of making threads was for.
  11. I am neither yours nor anybody else's cheesesteak. Tell your girl to get over my dick though.
  12. Says the idiot hipster with a Ronald Reagan tattoo on his head. Did you know that long before he became president Ronald Reagan made his name in the conservative ranks by openly hating on pot smoking hippies? Did you also know that your being an ironic hipster makes you the modern day equivalent of a pot smoking hippy? Keep making "ironic" excuses for the bullshit tattoos that you deliberately gave yourself. I'm sure they'll go over well with your future wife and kids or lack thereof.
  13. So you thought it would be the totally ironic hipster thing to do to get of all people Ronald Reagan tattooed on your head? You know Reagan actually raised taxes, right? You know that he is also a prime example of "big government spending", right? You know that he's a more accurate example of a "food stamp president" than any other president in history because more people were on food stamps due to his "trickle down economics" myth, and that all this shameless false idol worshiping of him being done by modern day Republicans is not only a myth but a flat out lie, right? Oh wait... you probably weren't even alive when he was president and actually believe that getting that tattoo will in fact ward off the IRS from taxing your minimum wage paychecks that are so miniscule that you probably don't even pay federal income tax as it is.
  14. You sound bitter about having a boring sex life. I'd be bitter too.
  15. Why are half the pics on this site showing up as big black boxes instead of pics? Is this only happening for me?
  16. I bet he was zooted out his mind. How the fuck you get hit by a freight train that's honking its horn at you in broad daylight? Plus that's not even the type of spot where you just roll up at 11am, it's peoples houses on one side and a busy street leading to an Airforce base on the other. Kid had to be blasted out his mind on something or another.
  17. Great... now that spot is blown.
  18. Am I the only one who can't see the pics? They're all just black squares.
  19. The county's appealing the verdict so he might not get 22 mil when all is said and done. All parties responsible for this including the warden should be thrown in prison, but I'm sure nothing will happen to them.
  20. Why the fuck do you have Ronald Reagan on your head? Wow... you're fucking stupid.
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