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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Not that there's much competition out there these days, but it doesn't suck. I can dig it.
  2. Serious question: Do I need new monitor or new computer altogether for a fucking HD video to play right for me? This shit's getting annoying.
  3. Seems like there'd be more to the story about him leaving the head out for the mom to see. Maybe she was out whoring around while leaving dude to take care of their half a vegetable son? Maybe she was out sucking dicks for crack? Probably none of the above, but when they deliberately leave out the part that drove this dude to leave the kids decapitated head for the mom to see it, it opens the door for speculation. And then I start making up scenarios in my head.
  4. LMAO! What you know about Jimmy Chung? That dude was just some Philly local who was good as shit then quit as soon as he got sponsored. Talking bout it's time to grow up and shit. Seen a lot of those dudes over the years.
  5. Yeah... cause dropping dime on your daughter for throwing a brick at a cop car is what any normal parent would do. People are idiots.
  6. Is this supposed to be some kind of English humor that I wouldn't get, or is the guy who wrote this just an idiot? "Dr Tim Stanley is a research fellow in American History at Royal Holloway College." ^LOLWUT? :lol:
  7. "I'm not going to jail!!! I don't wanna go to jail!!! Waaaaaahhh!!!!" :lol:
  8. ^That. Props to England right now. I'll agree to agree with the pissed off olehead in this youtube link that you posted.
  9. That's peanuts compared to the amount of people that would be killed by trigger happy pigs.
  10. This is more or less what they were saying on CNN today. Something about some kind of social entitlements being taken away from people who barely have shit as it is and no way of coming up in life with the inequality gap as wide as it is. They were asking if this could happen in America. Personally, I think Americans are too pussy and will just roll over and take it when the Republicans take away Social Security.
  11. It's funny you say that cause just today on break at work CNN was on and somebody asked what they were rioting about and I said if Americans rioted like that every time the cops killed somebody we'd look like Syria right about now.
  12. I remember reading that interview in some magazine years ago and thinking me and dude would get along really good if we knew eachother. nh
  13. Which one do you think will drive the point harder?
  14. ^I agree. And apparently they did exactly that in Liverpool or whatever other English city. But like I said in that other post, look at the bigger picture.
  15. This riot is over cops shooting people. A lot of the people rioting are just random dickheads joining in the fun, but there is still a point behind the riot. And even the random dickheads burning shit down are helping if you look at it in the point of view that politicians are probably going to crack down on cops just randomly shooting people if the people make it too expensive for them to get away with it. Only an idiot would endorse burning down mom and pop shops, but some of you people are seriously small minded as fuck when it comes to looking at the big picture. I wish this shit went down in America every time a cop decided to buck for no reason. And tenfold when they get let off the hook after a paid vacation. There'd be a lot less cops bucking for no reason, and the politicians and police chiefs would make damn sure that the ones who do actually go to prison for the shit.
  16. I was kinda thinking the same. He's a spoiled rich junky rapping about being a spoiled rich junky. At least he kinda has a flow. Not like I'd ever buy his shit, but he does kinda shit on anything else getting any kind of airplay these days. Just sayin tho.
  17. Hallucinogens are a hellova drug. This nigga's tripped out. Dude will probably be living in a park talking to himself at some point.
  18. I'm sure his reasoning is more along the lines of "why not?" Bored rich people have time and money on their hands. Personally, if I was a trustafarian I'd be trotting the globe catching cases and bouncing to the next location after bailing out over and over again like certain unnamed writers who crush in multiple cities around the world. I guess this guy decided to channel his trust fund and boredom into being a junky rapper instead.
  19. And here I just assumed that the rioters were wearing hoodies because England has the most video surveillance of any country in the world and you litterally can't walk down the street without being videotaped. :rolleyes:
  20. You fail to realize that America was created over a "hissy fit" like this. And that the founding fathers were "progressive liberals".
  21. Somebody click that button and tell us what happens.
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