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Everything posted by 12packprophet

  1. Real talk though, I would fucking LOVE to see this kind of fervor come from these same exact people next time a cop gets let off the hook for "accidentally" blasting a 7 year old after kicking open a door and indiscriminately bucking shots at anything that breaths, or purposefully blasting a dude in the back while he's handcuffed and clearly not even resisting. I would LOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE to see Nancy Grace's fucking opinion repeated over and over and over about the next Oscar Grant or Donta Dawson or Sean Bell played out over three fucking years of cable television "news". And I'd fucking LOVE to see you's and anyone elses response to their full acquittals being anywhere near on par with your outrage over this case. Seriously. I would fucking LOVE to see that shit.
  2. I love how Gramps has an upside down flag hanging in his room LMAO!!! :lol:
  3. So now every time a "child" (16 year old) runs away it should be a felony for their parents to eventually stop calling the cops who are in turn going to tell them that their kid probably just ran away and to stop bothering them? Fuck you and whatever police state hole you climbed out of.
  4. Where, on fucking CSPAN??? Where the fuck was every minute of the trial televised without it being occasionally muted to make room for some opinionated ass commentator butting in and spouting off? Your wife most likely watches Nancy fucking Grace thinking that she's watching the news like how most of middle America watches "Fox News" thinking that they're actually watching the news.
  5. You're playing yourself by overdoing your own antics. You're over-juicing "LOL'S" to the point where the pulp is drying up. I'm pretty sure that if it's even in a dictionary at all, that it would at least describe something along those lines.
  6. [ATTACH]163784.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]163785.vB[/ATTACH]
  7. Crossfire is flooded with more idiocy than Ch0, 4chan and a Glenn Beck rally combined. Or was that supposed to be sarcasm?
  8. I just drink some beers when I get a craving for alcohol. Sucks for you's.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aExAxhrVdYw
  10. You're beginning to jump the shark at this point. Step back and take a few breaths already.
  11. Xanax has a lot to do with a lot of peoples cases.
  12. You clearly don't get it. Maybe graffiti isn't for you.
  13. If you need a Ch0 thread to keep you from stabbing needles in your arm, then you're doing it wrong.
  14. Isn't this also a drug talk thread?
  15. If it was a cop that got off the hook, you'd be like whatever.
  16. She's a fucking retard. Hence her kid dying under shady circumstances, and trying to cover it up.
  17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackstone's_formulation Just google that shit. Wikipedia is gay as fuck and won't let me post a link.
  18. That's actually the reason why a lot of people get convicted. Rarely if ever does that work the other way around.
  19. And that's the way it's supposed to be. You open the floodgates to innuendo and gossip to being legally permissible in a court of law, and next thing you know we have shit like this: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1945430,00.html Whether you personally THINK she is guilty or not is beside the point. The fact is that there was not enough actual evidence to convict her. And thanks to the US Constitution, we don't have a legal system that convicts people off of gossip. Personally I think the kid died in some fucked up accident due to horrible parenting and that her and her fam panicked and tried to cover it up. And that she should have been convicted of some kind of manslaughter or aggravated child abuse. But what I THINK is beside the point. I wasn't on that jury. And neither were you. And the only trial any of us got to see was the one put on by the media.
  20. Nobody else is ever gonna hire her. It really is her only option at this point.
  21. I think he thought you were talking about "above average mom" as in parenting skills. I knew what you meant, but I can see how somebody would read that wrong.
  22. I do NOT listen to coldplay. Or radiohead. I just don't live under a rock.
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