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Everything posted by enteruncreativename

  1. Ready for bed... Yawn and now it's time for studying.
  2. I'd have to agree. As for today I still believe that cell phone cameras aren't the best. Should I follow along or fight back? This is one mixed signal of a 12ozProphet post...
  3. Bump Colts. Here's my morning walk after a quick fill up on gas! Amazing!
  4. I agree with the contradicting Anonymous flag but in a sense I think they're holding it as a symbol of the group. I'm also glad I got away scot-free.
  5. Nice to see you all. That's all until the next time...
  6. Just uploaded my best pictures taken at the 11/5 D.C. march. Enjoyable experience, until the arrests started happening.
  7. Weather plays a short role in this documentation. What an interesting day in the center of this state.
  8. The way that scrawler dripped though, damn dude... Mission completed?
  9. Chilling with my cat and bracing to go to work today.
  10. I know you are, but what am I? Is crossing someone out with a white line the latest craze or am I just crazy?
  11. A few weeks after turning 21 I realized how much money I was blowing while hanging out with people and drinking a couple brews each time.
  12. There's a naughty word in your username! Here is some pleasant content in a nice bundle for you all to rest your eyes upon. Trucks make a lot of loud noises.
  13. Necrophilia of dead 12oz threads is my thing... What's up with haters and Val? I value those paintings...
  14. That crown is interesting. I just might be wack though.
  15. I've been there before and it is the worst feeling. I say that because I know I always finish the piece and then search for water (hours) later.
  16. I was impressed with what I saw in general and Wrong's piece as a highlight.
  17. I bought some Lord Hobo expecting it to be a heavy liquor and it's 4.5% ABV... I feel bummed out now. Here's to buying a drink before reading the label!
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