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Everything posted by topfloorbasement

  1. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** *sigh* i've failed on the last two lists.. i'll try to actually do this one and not be such a lazy sac-o-shit..
  2. -sketching. -lifted. -pabsts. -girl's sleep'n. -interweb'n. -bout to go get cigs across the street.
  3. didn't know dude or ever correspond with him here, but my heart goes out to his family..
  4. -jus wake'n up. yes it's 4pm. -drinking orange strawberry banna juice. gonna generally be a bum today.
  5. always inspired when i check this thread.. props all around...
  6. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** good pics as always up in meah.. i'ma be another day or so befor posting..
  7. thanks.. a couple old/new writers an mural artists for the MLK foundation. PM for names i guess.. i don't wanna blow up their spot doing legal shat.
  8. slayer free HERT - http://freehert.org/ stopped by this to see some homies paid mural project razor coil wire is serious biznass. x-ing more walking arahn i want this bike. grabbed some greenery n retired for the night desert dah END
  9. un eventful day from last week.. woke up to these fuckers meowing their faces off took a grimey bath cause my shower head stopped working. look'n nice outside at 9am. coffeeee grab the book. bus ride messed around at the office measured a condo but only took boring reference pics so i can draw it later. then decided it was this time. stillerz nice as hell out. we got schools that look like prisons and prisons that look like schools shit on shit MORE
  10. -pabst. -herbs. -sighing a sigh of relief i didn't wreck the boat earlier today. -relaxe'n let'n chica pick the movie we bout to watch.. -hope'n she doesn't pick something too lame..
  11. -drank'n brews -interweb'n. -uploading more pics..
  12. at the edge of that wall it's maybe 2 feet deep.. where i was anchored (approx. 15 - 25 feet from wall) the depth meter was reading about 9 feet. i'm all about jumping off high shit into some water, call me a pussy, but i really don't feel like this this was the place for all that.. you wanna jump? i'll take some pics of you in the air, hit'n the water, then yer lifeless body floating... word?.. hahahaa... i know it's all jokes.. but fer reals.. jump'n off that crane = death fer sure..
  13. was on the mon river n caught the homies JIM JARROD an CARl.. oh, n those other guys..
  14. short day cuz i got lazy from a few weeks ago. woke up to breakfast chica had gone out n bought. cig meds drive'n thru shitty construction zone thats been the same all summer. destination unsnapped picked a spot to post up n do some swim'n. i like good scenery. jim jarrod an carl all day.. oh, an those other guys. swam, drank n chilled. that was the end of that.
  15. ^ happy born date. -just wake'n up. -coffee. -greenery. -interwebs. -photo edits.
  16. -finishing beer and heading dahn the strip district to check out some homies getting paid to use a paintbrush instead of cans for a paid mural.
  17. -at the office. -pissed off cause my boss keeps play'n me on get'n me the $$$$ he owes.. i'm talk'n bout 2G's worth. -interweb'n/ looking for some new freelance work/ jobs n shat. -day dreaming about a cold beer an fresh bowl o greenery when i get home.
  18. -trying to hurry girlface to ready faster. -contacting mr. green. -checking what movies are playing at the drive-in movie spot. -packing a cooler, full o beers..
  19. i've never seen or heard of "bro icing" in real life. if i ever saw it happening i would def point and laugh, then dismiss all members of the "bro icing" as complete faggots.. an like pfffft said, i would never be "friends" with lames that thought this was some how "cool" or participated in these acts of bromosexuality... anyways, continue on...
  20. -drinking coffee, but bout to switch to beer. -love'n the hate i get.. -eat'n pizza beagle bits to make everything ok..
  21. ^both.. -watching "kick ass". -drank'n. -kill'n the last of my trees. exciting ass friday nite.
  22. -misfits -pabst -herb -people watching/interweb'n MOTHER FLIP'N STILLERZ!
  23. a fat nasty white kinda preepy girl that works for a developer i do some freelance work for is going.. she's scared and her freinds told her she better bring a gun... hahahaha.. even if i lived next door to wherever this is happening and someone offerd free tickets and to pay for booze all night, i still wouldn't go... fuck these clowns.. especially eminem...
  24. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** nice list smxxl. i'm on it...
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