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12oz Crew
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Everything posted by LUGR

  1. Magnum O’piss, IOU, inkface, CAcashrefund, DAO and myself might or might not have been at some of those meet ups.
  2. What up abcs? Where’s Kobe at?
  3. http://thephatpantsblog.tumblr.com Found daos tumblr....
  4. hit em up for some denim back pay. they must owe you near 18 pur
  5. LUGR


    Sad to see this post..... RIP Swordfish Meatloaf. Had some good times chatting with you on TC years ago. You went through a lot of rough shit but always had a sense of humor. Didn't know you beyond oontz and TC but could tell you were a good dude when it came down to it. RIP homie....CODE4
  6. Just got over a case of creeping eruption. Had a worm in between the inner and outer layers of skin wormin around my knee. Over a 3 week period it made its way 1 full rotation around my knee with a short detour up my thigh and itched really bad (mainly at night). After the 2nd week I was tired of it itching so took meds that made me feel really shitty for about 5 days. 3 days after taking meds it made it s last move and cleared up. 2 days after that got my strength back from the meds. Had never heard of this before. 'Hookworm eggs are shed in infected dog (or other animal) feces to the ground, where they then develop over a period of 1–2 weeks into the infectious larval form (filariform larvae). The filariform larvae can burrow through intact skin that comes into contact with soil or sand that is contaminated with feces. Although they are able to infect the deeper tissues of animals (through to the lungs and then the intestinal tract), humans are incidental hosts and the larvae are only able to penetrate the upper dermis of the skin and thus create the typical wormlike burrows visible underneath the skin. These parasites apparently lack the collagenase enzymes required to penetrate through the basement membrane deeper into the skin.' "The infection causes a red, intensely pruritic (itchy) eruption. The itching can become very painful and if scratched may allow a secondary bacterial infection to develop. Cutaneous larva migrans usually heals spontaneously over weeks to months and has been known to last as long as one year. However, the severity of the symptoms usually causes those infected to seek medical treatment before spontaneous resolution occurs. Following proper treatment, migration of the larvae within the skin is halted and relief of the associated itching can occur in less than 48 hours" Looks something like this: Do not recommend...
  7. LUGR


    RIP POZ Sad to hear this news today.
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