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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. glutamate is present in breast milk, among many other things. the only pages i can find for cons on msg quote the article you cited and one other book exclusively the pages calling msg safe post more recent studies. (and have fairly legit backing, though possibly lobbied) i'm not a scientist, i'm not trying to argue about it: the information available goes very much both ways. glutamate is present naturally in many things (i know msg's modern production is unnatural), is it recognized as a toxin only in excess quantity? its in breast milk, which clearly stimulates the brain and body.
  2. there are others on here who work out glik that game was fucking awesome. but yeah, if you start a thread you should put in images... fail.
  3. i've read multiple reports saying msg is not a poison, and actually not even bad for you.
  4. Fist 666


    i'm putting a fox fork on my next bike. i've ridden marzocchi for years. had a manitou, a couple rock shox... never fox; come on tax return! that bike is pretty.
  5. Re: Frogs facing instinction noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  6. haha, i start good threads. immortal.... or something. i still hate that word.
  7. social distortion--SEX LOVE AND ROCK 'N' ROLL first post 2008.
  8. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear 12 oz. i'm officially on winter block leave. my flight leaves in about 7 hours. i shall not return to the oz until the year 2008. so, goodbye, for all the killer threads i miss... right. lady e, i hope you're a joke 2007, you've been okay, not all i had in mind as far as sexual escapades, but still a pretty good year. 2008, you'd better be more sexually adventurous than 07. and more profitable too, this broke ass soldier bit is wearing thin. peace, sir-fist-a-cuffs KOM.WP.MFD
  9. Your Type is INTJ Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 22 38 50 22 i call bullshit, i'm the most judgmental person i've ever met.
  10. hyenas aren't canine they are feline stop calling them dogs discovery channel/national geographic FTW.
  11. Fat chicks w/ pictures of small kids - 25 Reply to: pers-515765532@craigslist.org Date: 2007-12-20, 7:51PM PST What are you...high or what. You're looking for a hook-up and you got a picture of you with your fucking babie in your arms like that is supposed to lure us in? Goddammit, how fucking lame are you? Yeah..here's what I want; A fat,ugly, single, broke, mother of a INFANT. Now I am complete. (complete fucking moron). I would start looking for a black dude. They are the only ones who fuck your type. But, where they are smart is, they don't give a fuck about their own kids let alone yours. So they will just drop some man-batter in your neck hole so you'll have some food for your cat. Wadda ya say brothers. * Location: welfare office
  12. yarly. to sarasota. xmas block leave. going kayaking and snorkeling and drinking.
  13. caffeine makes me feel like shit. it rarely wakes me up for the time immediately after i drink it, it just makes it so i can't sleep later that night. i've tried most of 'em, rockstars are really the only ones i like--guava and mango are rad.
  14. when actually using a radio one would NEVER say "OVER AND OUT" it is "over" or "out" i wish i could take nudie pix tonight. thats sounds nice. i'll be masturbating later, and tomorrow morning i fly to florida. i'm pretty amped. i got my nephew an IRON MAIDEN onesy. its got eddie as the trooper, but it says 'the pooper' in the same font. and a stuffed alligator, a mixed message from (what i'm sure to become over the years) the bad uncle j.
  15. bruce--if somebody writes interesting things why try to inhibit that? i think tucker max is completely full of shit, but i read his stuff almost religiously, because its a good read. i think bloodfart is telling truth, and its a good read. i doubt you read much. most people don't these days. the simple telling of a story is just too much for some people. because they live boring lives and lie (and have been lied to) themselves.
  16. thanks for sharing. i like how you write, too.
  17. it could have been epic if she'd participate i'm pretty disappointed myself.
  18. get the vandals "OI TO THE WORLD" its my favorite holiday cd ever... weezer--blue album (i played rock band for the first time the other night, so say it ain't so has been really in my head)
  19. poison the well--opposite of december
  20. taqueria castillito had fucking awesome horchata. i think i'll make it back to SF come spring. i'm pretty excited.
  21. i had a killer weekend its been a long time since i drank for fun. rockstars party hard. and don't let me back out of taking shots my ability to make decisions became entirely inhibited good stuff.
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