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Fist 666

12oz Crew
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Everything posted by Fist 666

  1. bloody, you're always allowed exception in my book. king diamond tattoos are get out of jail free for life cards. but thats only to me... not real jail. that and i'm sexist and think its wholly okay for you. him, not so much. no.
  2. i got a little bit of a hangover... and i'm short on cash. debt sucks. good to hear no STDs. those are always stressful waiting periods.
  3. Re: God hates fags so much he is killing heterosexuals...?! i fucking hate these people. twisted motherfuckers. btw. there is no god.
  4. i don't lkno. its somekind of rum. tand i'm drukn its fucking thsrday. what he fuck?! shtis is bad.
  5. i'm on tattoo and coke now. tossed. thew up once already. this is thrusdya only too. oh man. this week i s awesome.
  6. oh man. i'm fucked up. more than i should fbe for a thrsday. redhook esb. absolut citron. vomited. punk and rallyed. now. tattoo and coke. i'm am so fucking good right now. yeah... carry on 12 oontz, carry on... woooooo. really tho. drink up nboys.
  7. i had 'em in my place when i lived the beautiful TL. fucking horrible. it took a month of complaining to finally get my spot fumigated for 'em. i still freak out when i see or hear about them. truly an awful experience. this was the fine establishment... i don't miss you fuckers!!!
  8. ugh... natty ice reminds me of some broke as fuck times in my life. fun times.
  9. well KOH, if it means anything, and i'm sure it doesn't... i'm listening to dethklok and still think its rad.
  10. i kept waiting for sean connery...i reread the title and it was clear his appearance was not going to take place. that was really fucking long.
  11. my new desktop. what i'm deciding are trees and forest (the black to grey)... i like it a lot. i'll let the people who know stuff talk more.
  12. no, just really bad beer.
  13. effen is nice. i might get some of that tonight... sounds nice.
  14. 12 oz. money. debt. attention.
  15. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo 15k of shit shitting.... talking to a girl i talked to daily for 5 years, then completely cut her from my life in the span of 4 days. 5 years ago... intersting conversations...
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread - no homo clingons
  17. not off topic, photography thread discusses photography, understanding/appreciating/explaining subject matter is everything. i like the btbam pics. they are in many ways very redundant. i like that set though in relation to COLORS. the blur of the lights and the rainbow logo from the cover of the album. just the general idea put forth from it. this tour's been incredible for them. one thing that blew me away that i'd never really noticed is how mellow they are on stage. not in a boring opeth kind of way, but they just play their music with smiles on their face. this one especially captures that for me. maybe i'm talking out my ass, i don't know shit 'bout art...
  18. putting out albums frequently does not make someone a hard worker. quality comes from hard work. mediocrity blooms in this sort of mass production. i also don't listen to hip hop...
  19. i feel pretty hoity toity with my 3 invites... but NO BOOGIE NO CARE NO VOTE.
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