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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. got black out drunk last week at a party, it was my first time meeting all these people as i just moved states. apparently i'm a hilarious black out drunk. things that are (apparently) hilarious for a drunk person to do: -call everyone an asshole within 5 minutes of meeting them -kicking over a cd tower (who the fuck still has cd towers) and throwing copys of shania twain and mariah carey albums at set up beer bottle -climbing on to a second story balcony and backflipping off it into a huge sand pile -re arranging fridge magnets into abusive messages about peoples favourite football teams -climbing over a fence and stealing tomatoes to throw at bogans doing burnouts out the front of a party no idea why they still think i'm a nice guy i broke heaps of their shit, abused people i just met and made a huge idiot out of myself me+drinking on an empty stomach=huge fail
  2. agreed fail on the thread but win on the pictures in it props either way
  3. false, ran through my personal stash and don't really want to spend money i don't have tpbm has got a hectic few months ahead of them
  4. everyone won in that situation, good work swindle
  5. were his problems with your girl legit ones or just some bullshit reasoning? inquiring minds would like to know
  6. Re: a transit cop is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! dude...
  7. false, i rarely get sick, maybe 4-5 times a year tpbm has met a person of royal descent
  8. granted but all the mexicans emigrate to your city
  9. saw this is in the news talk about going all out for the cash possibly one of the ballsiest stick ups ive seen in a while
  10. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear laughslast it's obviously a witty commentary on how he has been screwed out of shit loads of money by the education system, hence the retaliatory loads dropped on desks and speedo photos. obviously sincerely 24
  11. i have one friend who does this. i answer and put the phone down on a table across the fucking room and i can still hear her. i've told her that when im drunk i screen her calls because in the past i've ended up screaming right back at her to shut the fuck up and let my ear drums breathe. i don't remember saying that, but apparently that's a verbatim quote.
  12. I'm tempted to call bullshit on this whole story. I've never heard of anything so retarded in my life. If there aren't any injuries, there was no attack, if there was no attack, its not attempted murder. fo cereal son, you suck
  13. false, im not throwing thousands of dollars down the drain just so i can work a McJob tpbm has been hit by a hailstone before
  14. Re: a tranny is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! take it to pm's for chrissake no one else cares
  15. yeah, there's nothing to go on so far examples, photos etc etc are required
  16. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... His life seems to revolve around games and complaining about not making friends.
  17. Re: a tranny is giving me a government job right fucking now!!! pm's girls take this there
  18. Re: Anual Peanut Butter/Vegemite/Nutella debate(aka P.B. rules, vegemite takes it in the a vegemite tastes like death if you spread it like peanut butter it needs just a light even coating and bang motherfuckin delicious toast right thurr
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear alcohol, thanks for last night man, i especially liked the part where you encouraged me to do a backflip of a second story balcony into a huge pile of sand. that didn't work out bad in anyway. sincerely, not-tangoing-for-at-least-a-few-weeks 24
  20. false, i like cats but thats some next level creepy cat person shit tpbm has worn the same pair of underwear for a week at some point in time
  21. Re: Drunk cop runs over 11 yr old girl, 2 officers charged in cover up, still found not gu Somebody thought that he was actually gonna be convicted? Pshhhh C'mon, look at our society. How often does a cop go down for anything ever? ps where do i acquire a purple felt hat like that? i feel the overwhelming urge to dress up like a harlem bopper right now.
  22. being on the other side of the country for my best friends birthday kinda bummed (nh) im not there to get pissed with him and write on stuff
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