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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. i have a fair bit of money stacjed up i cut ack on drinking the good shit for a bit vb long necks ftw getting a personl finance loan for new car woop woop i feel like im 17 again
  2. great party game involves a stick of salami and various hiding places ask your nearest gay friend about it
  3. you went to burswood? i got rip snortingly drunksicles with some friedns then played hide the sausage with the mrs
  4. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread im on to it i shall make it a picture thread i will report back someimte tomorrow depending on whether ive made it home or have passed out in a gutter im going for passed out satus maybe even a fight with some of the retards theer
  5. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread shrooms tonight should mae things interesting at least i got some free drinks coming my way maybe i should sell a few to the kids slang some, knawmsayn?
  6. yeah i am on the tall side 6'6 lsat time i checked
  7. keeping the bitching to a minimum would help do that shit over pms any flicks of the new shit on the f line?
  8. haha i know all about those kind of places too bad all those womens are complete bitches ive popped my bigger brother before for fighting with my friends given he's only 6'2 and ive got a few inches on him still he tries
  9. you wear pink polos? jesus
  10. if you were my little brother i would beat the fuck out of you
  11. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread çigars for tomorrow night i bought mine while i was buying my friend stole 3 more
  12. ^never had bulleit before? that was one of my first drinks ever back when i was sitting in parks sipping wine casks woo
  13. AB sounds like me at age 15 no idea on what is good to drink i gave up on vodka about 2 years ago very rarely drink it now $7.50 for lemonade and vod at a club get the fuck outta here give me a beer you stupid bastards!
  14. go the draught my girl just got home from work bought me a box of cigars i love cigars so much and her too but cigars my new vice must be smoked with a glass of brandy and i have just the one yay st agnes time for smokey smoke and maybe some pokey poke woo boy
  15. fuck i was pumped for a rooftop guess ill settle for indoor fun need to find some more beer sure i had some tooheys plat lying around somwhere
  16. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread i hate driving too especially in the western suburbs i just want to get out of my car and attack them sometimes i remember growing up in hamilton hills at least i knew my neighbours there i went over to meet my new ones the other day and they didnt even want to know me stuck up bastards i feel like taking the hood ornaments off their bwm and rolls and make myslef a necklace
  17. woo fo r beer its beer weather im might go find a nice rooftop in subi later
  18. which is why you shouldnt speak to her move on
  19. you nedd some bveer in you bouy
  20. gor some duvell new beer of chouce tad expensice though
  21. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread oh wait you're 16-17 nevermind
  22. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread if you want to fly to aus you're more than welcome to stay with me and the girl but you have to be at least 18 so you can get maggot at pubs etc and have drivers license so you can be my chauffeur on call 24/7 thats how you can pay your part of the rent sound fair?
  23. Re: Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit The Shit Thread my cat is sleeping on top of my tv his paw is dangling i want another cat they are the most cool things ever i want another 20 or so
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