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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. didn't read the top my bad the letters are too busy lose the kicks and post up something with just plain letters and we'll go from there
  2. i got robbed when i first started, i got over it most times guys realized i wasn't a dick so they let me keep a tin or two incidentally, getting robbed is how i met one of the guys who taught me the most about graffiti it's gonna happen some time, no point in getting sore over it
  3. yeah man, don't really know how to describe the taste (it's not chicken, people who tell you that are bullshitting you) true, spent the first 10 years of my life there tpbm has an unhealthy addiction to bubble wrap
  4. true crocodile, kangaroo, fried ants, fried bat to name a few tpbm lives in the city they were born in
  5. false, but sounds intriguing... tpbm has mainly frozen tv dinners in their freezer
  6. my bestfriend had one too motherfucker was such a stingy cunt and hardly let anyone play with it what the fuck is the point of having that and not sharing? dickhead
  7. i don't know who's profile you got but that sure wasn't mine i'm not fat, have a full head of hair and am no where even close to thirty. so back on up there, Shirley yo it's cool if you think strangers are impressed by stories of your bad assery, but in truth you look like a chump acting way too hard. wilding out? thats your idea of wilding out? do some proper crazy shit and then call it wilding out thats just drunken stupidity at a party you weren't invited to. :lol: :lol:
  8. grill cheese sandwich and a cup of coffee time checking e mails for news on book shipping, nothing as usual and its been almost a week throwing my pen at the ceiling and watching it stick
  9. you're better off listening to root_pl or ambitious at least they have an idea
  10. let me assure you guys she's in no position whatsoever to be giving advice check the link midway down the page, that's her graffiti
  11. you're in the same boat my man, you're 17 and still fresh in the game. you know how i learnt? tagging, then i started doing throw ups, once i got good at those i started doing pieces. calligraphy will teach you exactly that, calligraphy. that's fine for straights, people directly use calligraphy in some cases even, but that's it. nothing else. it won't help you figure out a fresh handstyle or a dope throwy which is what someone starting out needs. you shouldn't even be attempting pieces until you can hold down a clean throwy and bust it out without having to think about it. once you understand how flow and construction work (thanks to throw ups and tags), then you start thinking about pieces. if you just want to say "hey calligraphy will help you understand letters!" it will but it wont help you turn them into anything that actually resembles a piece. calligraphy doesn't teach you about extensions, kicks and swoops. someone else does. a mentor. fuck it if you don't agree, go bite a bullet kids are spoon fed so much shit, how are they meant to know what's right or wrong. i never negged you lady_sec, i just pointed out your hypocrisy and bullshit to other users. fair's fair when you're playing yourself. edit: just because swindle and i happened to air you out, does't mean we have to agree on all points
  12. spacing the letters out would be a good start that looks like a block with some lines cut into it. equal widths too don't start big, shrink and go big again straight lines for now trust, it'll be a lot better looking than the curvy stuff you have going on at the moment
  13. oh waaah, i didn't go to art school so i have no idea what the job title is. im stepping on your shit because you front hard, talk alot of smack and think you have a right to try and teach people things. you don't in this culture, you sit down, shut up and pay attention don't try and apply what you learned at some school to graffiti because NEWSFLASH SISTER: that shit won't fly. x-heights? cap heights? that has nothing to do with style and flow i've never met a writer who's ever used those terms and i'm sure as jesus was jewish that i never will.
  14. doesn't matter if its on or off its still a load of shit no one does graffiti, even part time, for 10 years and produce the wackness that you do edit: and if they do, they should just fucking stop
  15. a reference point? fuck that shit you know what they need to reference? some actual graffiti. kids, if you're in here reading this, get off the computer and wander through your city and take photos of graffiti. straights, hollows, fill ins, pieces, wildstyles, freestyles immerse yourself in it not this bullshit some clown who doesn't know jack is trying to feed you.
  16. nothing you say is smart because you're wrong on every single point. you've fronted saying you've been in the game for 10 years or whatever, and then i see you giving out retarded advice like this. these kids don't need to know typography, maybe if they wanted to be typographists, but they don't. they want to be vandals. something you know absolutely nothing about. they need to be sitting down and sketching, not reading up and learning bullshit like this. the last person anyone should be listening to is you.
  17. you don't need to study fucking letters to be a graffiti writer... that's a retarded notion point me towards a graffiti writer who studied typography instead of just sitting down and sketching again and again and again. stupidest shit i've heard in a long time
  18. this is the same guy who thought that blacks were burning crosses in the 50s his grasp on reality is tenuous at best
  19. Re: Dear ________, - no homo dear REA, maybe try explaining that you have a schedule that isn't conducive to random drop in visits and a phone call before hand would be really appreciated. best of luck dealing with that shit, Tango to the edit- fuck knows dude, maybe you just gotta be blunt on this one and explain you want to spend some time alone with your parents as you rarely get to see em. she's gotta respect that, if she doesn't then i have no fuckin idea...
  20. lose the huge amount of kicks unnecessary stuff clutters with out making it look good lose the one to the top right thin bar to fat extension looks stupid lots of stuff down the bottom also really unbalances the letter itself moderation people, don't go over board
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