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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. nope demonoid's taking an extended vacation
  2. twerp? hahaha fuck, are we in a midday movie or some shit? keeping it PG? fuck outta here, with your big tough guy internet bullshit. i'm real shook, please don't fly to australia and beat me down. faggot.
  3. pshhh, you visibly upset dogg. go jerk it to more anime and cry on your pillow
  4. ^co-sign post her up already. she must be pretty haggard if that's the best you can do. blue waffle havin'-aileen wuronos lookin'-cheap weave rockin' ho
  5. yeah, but that's like some vintage shit. hipsters must want all up in your crib to drink PBR and play mariokart all day.
  6. shave her head fully and throw her cranium first in to a garbage incinerator. trash, in other words. ps don't post side profiles, bitch could have stroke face or something.
  7. anybody else wait for the next generation of consoles to come out before updating I'm currently still on a ps2 waiting for the ps4 to come out before i get a ps3. mad cheap games I haven't played and plenty of them > upgrading straight away, paying $100+ for a game and having to wait forever to know which games are worth picking up.
  8. inadvertently exercised in removing myself from the vicinity of a spider, quickly corrected myself with couch times and a beer. what the hell was i thinking.
  9. princess pocahontas: trash party girls: tstt that's the girl on the far left's mum. defs time travel smash.
  10. I did a push up today. Didn't feel so great.
  11. it's worse when she we eat at the Lebanese place down the road, motherfucking shitidal wave son
  12. when every living thing here can/wants to kill you, you end up a bit round the twist
  13. Re: 12oz's current state makes me sad/pissed I vaguely remember her, something about some tits being posted somewhere or some shit.
  14. the fuck are miley cyrus' tweets on the news for. get the fuck off my TV
  15. nah, they're pretty rare here and some people have a hard on for them. ps our dollar is worth more than yours. swish.
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