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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. I rock a short shaved goatee and moustache, started growing facial hair out about 2 months ago and can't picture myself without it now. IT WILL CHANGE YOU
  2. you probably should be, work site safety is important. don't be a chump and get yourself or someone else hurt. tpbm needs to smoke maryjewanna to fall asleep
  3. that's what you get for drinking before the fire drill
  4. who the fuck is actually wearing painted hats? ring ring, ring ring ayo it's the 80s, they want their hats back G
  5. Kober: extension on top of the K: lose it. look at your piece and pick out the parts that don't flow. for you that would be: the right hand bars of your K (width and extensions are not working) and the extension off the bottom of your R. I'm not feeling the E in general, maybe trying pulling the bar in the centre across so it looks more in line with your B. Abe: bite shit, that's the only advice to give someone at your level. no amount of input is going to make you better until you actually progress past the 13 year old scribble on your trapper keeper level.
  6. ABE: awful, go back to basics. try throw ups, straight letters and tags before you go shooting for pieces. cue: dude, calm your tits. you're trying to put in too much when it's quite clear you don't know how to do it and make it look good. lose the bizarro arrows shooting out of random spots on your letters, too many bits and pieces hanging off making this look super weird. also, I see the CUE but the TWO is a shambles. the T should not be joined to the W in two spots, it makes it way too confusing, and the O looks like a D. on the plus side you have a relatively good grasp of 3D, overall work on your letter structure, it lacks flow and filling in the space with bits and pieces isn't fooling anyone.
  7. you knew from page one that there were only 2 things we wanted from this thread 1. jiggly tits and lady bits 2. to judge you on your taste in ladies
  9. For the first time in living memory, New York has spent a day entirely without violent crime. The city police department's chief spokesman said that Monday was the most bloodshed-free 24-hour period in recent history. Not a single murder, shooting, stabbing or other incident of violent crime was reported for a whole day. Despite a July spike in homicides, the city's murder rate is on target to hit its lowest point since 1960. Just a few months ago, residents were living through what one tabloid newspaper called the "summer of blood". http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-20536201 Must be something in the water
  10. ride hookers bareback get aids go back home fuck her win life where the noodz @?
  11. false, I haven't caught a meter barra yet. tpbm needed to get something done this weekend but didn't do it
  12. who are the screens for that pop out the back seat. fucking rich people, too many dollars, not enough cents.
  13. tango 24


    you got lucky there, you didn't die and you only lost your license for a month. I got done for mid range DD earlier this year and lost my license for 9 months, first offence ever, not even a speeding ticket on my driving record. That was the moment I realised I needed to get my shit together and stop acting like a jerk. I didn't consider myself a full blown alcoholic but definitely a problem binge drinker. I'm not going sober, I can't stop completely but I go for weeks without drinking, do not always drink when I go out, limit myself to one beer with dinner when I go out to eat. small steps.
  14. watching Demon Empire and considering a quick drive to get popcorn and junk.
  15. I've only heard canned being inferior to bottled before, what's the deal with canned being better?
  16. nope, never tried it and probably never will tpbm smokes a pack a day
  17. I'm quite taken with it, I prefer a smooth, slightly more aromatic beer and this meets my criteria. I keep on seeing this beer where I am at the moment, anybody tasted it? Booze is quite expensive out the back of woop woop and I don't feel like wasting money.
  18. solo or with one friend who i know i can trust implicitly, never really liked the whole crew thing. too many people to roll over on you if they get wrapped up.
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