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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. picked up a 6 pack of this to try after work
  2. who else has a morning routine that if it's interrupted fucks them up completely for the rest of the day? If i don't do 15 sit ups, push ups and dips before I have a shower, drink a coffee and have 3 slices of toast with banana and honey, smoke then brush my teeth my day is pretty much over.
  3. for my money I preferred REC over quarantine Don't know if its been mentioned but everyone should check out The Raid: Redemption
  4. singlet and shorts, 39 celsius outside and 40% humidity. ugh
  5. watching regular show and having a breakfast beer
  6. i have pretty serious social anxiety disorder, overanalysis of self in social situations to the point where someone talks to me i can barely get a reply out that makes any sense. I mix words up, get tongue tied and just peter out. it's worse in crowds unless i'm drunk and then I just feel like one of the unwashed masses. getting high makes everything a million times worse unless i'm chilling with homies somewhere I feel comfortable. Now personally, I don't see how changing your diet would have any impact at all on a mental thing but I guess that's how you deal with it. I've never been medicated for it because I don't want to be. I just live with it nowadays, I have a small group of friends that I chill with and don't do much to try and extend that circle. I guess I limit myself to things that I'm comfortable with. Just realised how insecure I am after reading back what I typed lol what a loser.
  7. ^^cool story bruh, but what are you wearing? NH
  8. complex palate and mild bitterness, absolutely beautiful
  9. so with all this secession talk i've been hearing about, are you guys the disunited states of america?
  10. just got home from work, paying bills online, resisting the urge to smoke a cigarette.
  11. i like to get drunk and piss on car door handles
  12. tango 24


    never heard of nike AIMAX before
  13. just trying to help you actually further yourself but hey, stick to the snaps if you want.
  14. what kind of camera are you shooting on? I took 5 minutes to edit one of your shots because they do have potential. the buildings around you have straight lines, use them to frame a shot. straight lines look better when they're straight in the frame.
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