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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. you seem retarded bro
  2. pee on children then yell at their parents when they try to stop me.
  3. where are the score screen caps? this thread is useless without them
  4. blue you tard, click the fucking circle
  5. whoever green was, you fucking sucked
  6. wtf happened just then? no circles came up for me to click?
  7. disregard wrestling, acquire friends
  8. yeah i was gonna call you out on biting someone like rilo nice to see someone beat me to it
  9. my dude, you're the one who played the internet tough guy. shhhh back in your box until you see another dissed freight and you lose your mind over it. ps YOU'RE STILL A FAGGOT
  10. i just noticed some of those cops are carrying rocks. no wonder they're getting beat.
  11. what does a policeman need a goddamn rpg for? shit looks fucked up where ever that place is.
  12. woooo russia! cake and potatoes made me laugh.
  13. i got a few laughs out of that lame ass graffiti freight beef, the dude who bought it up looks like a faggot for doing so and the respondent looks like a douche for not laughing it off. sorry bout the car and shit though
  14. Re: Fuck Papa Johns. you all want to spit on that poerty tip?, well here's yours truly to say fuck that shit. leave the rap game to the stars like weezy, and send your girl my way cause i hear she's easy. not trying to be troll or a hater, but boy you don't need her, i hear you're a first class masturbator.
  15. yay humanity... fucking poor cunts
  16. about to go pick up some hoodies, jeans, jackets and a new pair of gloves. word the fuck up for credit card debt you can handle.
  17. yawn same shit, different page least he's doing something though jugz
  18. sweet, i always wanted to see if vip membership was worth buying
  19. why the fuck did no one grab him? it was obvious he wasn't stopping
  20. more than true, i'm cool with jesus people but fuck the preachy ones telling me im going to hell tpbm regularly holds their piss
  21. eski, i do believe you know that guy
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