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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. those dudes are never going to hit another a person over with a ulock over some traffic shit. i would be out of my car so fast, stomping that little cunts face into a reddish muck
  2. you take your girl painting with you? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  3. not necessarily i use lower case i's in my pieces, it's just about constructing them properly to cover a decent amount of area.
  4. who are you to be talking about helping out the "toys" when you are one yourself? tsk tsk
  5. 10 year olds on lsd? why weren't my parents as cool as hers?
  6. my girlfriends have never been remotely interested in the oontz, because they usually take priority over it the internet won't make me a sandwich or suck my dick o0xenjoix0o: only girls would sign up with a SN like that
  7. fuck's sake i find it hard to keep myself in check around people like that feel the overwhelming urge to slap those glasses straight off his fucking face nice flicks though, looked like a good day
  8. no way i'm clicking on that link don't need my ip associated with that shit in any way,shape or form
  9. na na na na na na na na na na na na PACMAN!
  10. doing teh graffiti sketches for the first time in ages putting off walking to the store in this heat drinking a beer i really should be doing some assignments
  11. the I is sitting out on its own if you want to overlap letters make sure they all overlap adds to the flow of the piece and you wont have big chunks of 3d to paint
  12. apparently only hipsters use U-locks i think it's linked with the amount of bike messenger-rage-leadingtowindowsmashingwithaulock stories that seem to get offered up on the internet they are fairly prevalent that said, just because you hit some guy with a bike lock, it doesn't make you a hipster. and that said, bike messengers are fuck heads who think its ok to leave a 2mm gap when they fly past you at 20 kph with not so much as a warning bell.
  13. never heard that term before. that said, tequila makes a violent, cocky, rude son of a bitch so i never touch the stuff
  14. a few of my friend's dads are ex-firefighters I've heard it first hand, they don't like working with the motherfuckers and will only call them in if someone is in serious danger. some guy getting pushed into a bike? Nah, wouldn't think that they would call that one in. Then again i'm from Australia so what the fuck do i know, right?
  15. it seems like a bunch of dudes synced up on their periods recently around here beef going down e'erywhere
  16. yet you're the only one who seems to care about this shit twon, let it drop dude...
  17. americans should stop complaining about fuel prices i'm paying $4.47 a gallon at the pump
  18. or i could click on where its saved in my bookmarks, the same place its been since 2006...
  19. i hope when i'm your age i don't spend my birthday at home doing lines instead of being with people i love happy birthday anyway!
  20. this nigga got his junk jerked by a man :lol:
  21. i still rock straight export pieces sometimes learn to paint with calig caps and everything else will be an absolute breeze
  22. You're facebook profile paints a very different picture from what you're trying to portray on here. The coolest thing you can be is yourself. Remember that... you douchelord
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