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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. false, never confessed shit. FUCK THE PO-RIEST. tpbm thinks Louis isn't a funny show
  2. wallet, phone, gum, spare change, lint, box cutter, marker
  3. i do this but only have a house key and a car key on it. after losing 4 sets of car keys it's the least expensive way to make sure I don't do that again. therefore: i hate when i lose my keys and have to pull out the ignition barrel to get another one cut
  4. true, i was born dead tpbm already broke a new years resolution
  5. holy shit cheeto feet level 9000
  6. 6 pack of beer i think cigarettes will set you back about 15 a pack, coffee is around 5 bucks and you would shit your pants when you saw petrol prices here.
  7. I will be for sure, it's one of my favorites
  8. i never said you were judging, i inferred you were just another chump trying to get in the mindset of a writer. which you are. a chump that is, not a writer. you came here hoping for a community of artists but you found an asshole to talk to. welcome to graffiti.
  9. lying in bed watching hell's kitchen, friends blowing up my phone looking for weed. no.
  10. you never saw Kangaroo Jack? they will straight up knock you the fuck out.
  11. I have a few badly done, poorly conceived and down right retarded tattoos here is one trying to take a photo of the back of your bicep is hard
  12. once there's a human face to it, it's much harder to take a large amount of cash from someone. at least for me anyway. I couldn't take $20 I saw falling out of someone's pocket let alone walking away with a grandma's 6k.
  13. I found a pack of smokes sitting on top of a dumpster a few years back, being broke, homeless and fiending at the time it was the best thing in the world. closest I've ever come to a decent come up from trash. no doubt in my mind I would keep the loot, no idea what was going through her head when she decided to hand that in...
  14. the first thing that comes to mind is to ask why you were digging around in a garbage can.
  15. EVERYBODY LINE UP FOR DR PHIL TO TELL HIM WHY WE DOIN DA VANDALISINS! cornball ass thread....moral issues of graffiti. HA.
  16. true, found $180 and some change in a pair of shorts i was about to donate to charity. tpbm woke up on the weekend with no wallet and no keys
  17. I paused watching X men to watch twerk team videos. props inj.
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