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tango 24

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Everything posted by tango 24

  1. Nursing a hangover, laughing at texts from 4 diff ex's last night, sipping a berocca
  2. This guy... Send me a flick of your mothers breasts and I'll have a word with Mr Raven scouts honour
  3. Schapelle corby (sp?) bodyboard bag full of weed long stint in a shit hole prison
  4. tango 24

    womanly advice

    You will one day maybe after puberty
  5. Cigarettes, weed, booze, bad girls and the occasional pill.
  6. tango 24

    womanly advice

    I think some people on here have mommy issues judging by a few of these posts
  7. So what would be an appropriate sentence for 4 keys of smack, disregarding mental health status. Death would be mandatory In the majority of Asian countries. I'd personally rather be dead than be facing the prospect of spending the rest of my life rotting away in some brutal Chinese jail.
  8. When the fuck are people going to learn to stop taking weed to Bali?
  9. :lol: Congrataulations, you just got me to use my first ever smiley.
  10. You honestly expect to get anywhere with graffiti? Every writer I know started under age 16, if you didn't you just look like some old chump trying to get into something cool that he had no idea existed until he went out and bought the new Chris brown album. Fuck off sincerely, 12oz
  11. I'm in Singapore right now. Shopping will be good for you, lots of January sales. Cheap food at glutton bay, good shopping on orchard rd, very good transit system (invest in a tourist travel card, works out to something like 70 cents a trip). Cool museums and art galleries in abundance, also cheap. Hit up Zouk, Butter Factory, Clark quay and boat quay for things to do.
  12. tango 24

    womanly advice

    Bitches don't like it when your scabby Johnson cuts their mouth up...
  13. Kicking it in my hotel room in Singapore, pre drinking. Alcohol is mad expensive here, 15 Singaporean for those tiny mini bar style bottles of spirits. Cheap ass tiger beer FTW!
  14. I get back into Perth at 9 pm NYE, so I'll probably just hit up a house party and have a quiet one.
  15. Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread.......................... i employ the flinstone stopping method it might work for you too
  16. are we all sure we're on the same page? i saw it in 3d yesterday graphics are incredible i have no idea what you people are talking about saying the CGI looks shit
  17. Yeah... I've lost people close to me thanks to drunk drivers. Even though you say you haven't had any problems in the past, what's going to happen that one time you're momentarily distracted and someone walks out in front of your car? Your drunk ass is going to hit them. Don't be a chump, think of someone other than yourself for five minutes.
  18. He was talking about his own city, mellow out yellow. Do you know what the medicinal stuff is like in Cali? Because If you don't, shut up. Your rants are pointless and unfunny. GTFO...
  19. Granted, but you are gored by a unicorn, raped by woodelves and then a talking bear steals your last bowl of porridge I wish method man wasn't in jail so I could see him on NYE
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