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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. dope post. tons of classic freight kings. they dont make em like they used to.
  2. that Vespa was going to be pretty dope.
  3. this. i got a nice collection of this type myself. just sucks that i gotta do whatever drugs i have that are reaching the end of their shelf life, or the collection would be much bigger.
  4. maybe you should try coming down off whatever you are on before using the internets?
  5. in the immortal words of bill cosby, i will name my child "dammit"
  6. getting drunk in my studio, at the drawing table.
  7. the U.S government murdering innocent civilians. this is old news. as in, the U.S. government has been murdering innocent civilians since before The Trail of Tears. right on for posting it. but murderers do what murderers do. they kill the those who are unable to defend themselves. right now its the american people who are responsible. it was approval ratings that put the U.S. military where it is right now. not the past president, and not the current one either. americans should be outraged at themselves for giving bush the thumbs up via your approval. you let the blood hungry brainwashed armed forces out, then get all "oh my god i cant believe this murdering!!". http://www.hist.umn.edu/~ruggles/Approval.htm see those numbers jump by 25% when the occupation started?
  8. in my city its the crackheads that run. you know.. you see them going from here to there and they just kinda pop up out of no where like dirty little malnourished and deranged rabbits.
  9. Esteme cold killin..
  10. dudes got style to spare.
  11. Re: What the fuck?? How does this work! weird
  12. La Funk Mob/Cassius is super fresh. Great production. the original version of their track "Crazy Legs" is one of my faves. its breaks, and doesnt fit here or I'd post it up.. some krush instead.
  13. well man thats a good call. in my mind it's just about as easy as making the initial realization. if you can do things daily to keep yourself connected to tangible reality, and not reality transmitted to you by one electronic device or another.. thats completely attainable. its just not instant gratification.
  14. agree. i def have the deep house in the same crates with downtempo. works plenty well together, might as well put them together on here as well. and also, wholeheartedly co-signing the trente moller mentioned in the post above. dude is a master with it. if you havent checked it yet "latenight cab driving" shits epic.
  15. damn. that 27 truck is kinda crazy. never seen a piece or fill in from that guy.
  16. its pretty well out of your hands at this point. regardless of if the union does their job or not. since its escalated now its between the union and your employer. might as well just kick back and relax until it blows over. possibly spend some of your free time polishing up your resume in case of the worst case scenario.
  17. i drove to monterrey. it was kinda crazy driving there. all the roads i took through mexico besides being inside a city were dirt roads. fools drive fast on some makeshift ass roads with no lights or markings or shit at all. it was cool though, i only stayed in monterrey for a day or two and drove back. i found a nice wall to paint and people seemed friendly in general. the only hot girls i saw were at my hotel though. i mustve been in the wrong area of town. also i never really saw cops at all. like never. near the border i saw one or two but after that i never saw any.
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