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Everything posted by 100%juice

  1. ^^^that last one. gotta mute that garbage tho.
  2. not having to use oven cleaner caps to paint. having clean water that i dont have to purify myself. bug spray.
  3. nice bench. those HLMX flats are real choice. Darks Beck on the pillsbury. that Heist E2E..
  4. 100%juice


    that Dumer is pretty tough.
  5. if you know some people and can get a decent price on the 94's they are worth it. depending on what youre planning to do with them.
  6. damn. girlfriends being gone. shit sucks.
  7. Rapes never taking a break. crazy shit. That red/silver production is bonkers. well done gents.
  8. portland is pretty quiet but i definitely saw some nice rooftops around while there a few years back. it seemed like a pretty good place to relax and do nothing in particular.
  9. regarding firing; definitely not, sir. use your leverage to gain more sexual favors/ other inappropriate gratitudes
  10. Re: Oh hey dow what are you doing??? yeah, i know it sucks, thats why the apology. talk about shitty service.
  11. Re: Oh hey dow what are you doing??? sorry bout the uverse. better luck next time.
  12. hahahaha. too much lead in that face paint.
  13. dude rocks a real individual style. nice!
  14. word. dope thread. big up these dudes.
  15. Crow on the tribute Beers and that XYZ e2e is lovely.
  16. good shit. i benched that last phone in 05 in the middle of no where midwest.. keep em comin!
  17. right, ok like someone mentioned before. cable signals travel on waves like most other types of signals we humans perceive with our senses. the further the signal travels on its wave the more it loses quality (if left to its own devices). this is called "attenuation". so you got a couple options on how to resolve it. you can get a device which uses electrical current to boost the signal. a signal amp. you can stop being a cheap fucker and at least have the sense to spend money on decent cabling (since you are getting service for free), i personally recommend highly shielded RG6 cabling. you could also make sure your splitter is a high quality splitter with a good signal to noise ratio (SNR). you could check for loose fittings (the shiny steel thing at the end of the cable wire). you could be a badass, climb up the pole and change out the splitter up there since its likely been there for quite some time.. best of luck, yr friendly neighborhood cableguy.
  18. those Meca panels.. all of it really. nice one.
  19. them HSA joints. got some nice flicks there
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