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Everything posted by TresOne

  1. They couldn't even get out of bed without the help of a fucking crane, so I'm guessing that none of them had jobs, or very serious/good ones at that. Sooo, how the fuck can you spend that much money on food each day?? One bitch on that show was eating something crazy like 30 chocolate bars a day as a SNACK. $30+ / day on fucking chocolate? Are you fucking mental?? Godddaaammnnnn. Fatties be taking out a second mortgage to blow it on food..
  2. Fuck, that is disgusting. Bed sores, swollen limbs from poor circulation.. fucking grosss. How you honestly let yourself get to that point? These people have to hit 400-500 pounds before they realize that they're dangerously obese? The fuck outta heaaa..
  3. That knock out was fucking INTENSE. Came outta nowhere!! I thought for sure Mirko would have to be carried out of the ring.. looked like his ankle snapped when he fell on it like that.. :eek: I'm still a bit choked, though.. I wanted Cro Cop to fucking dominate that chump. Guess I'll just have to wait and watch Couture demolish him instead..
  4. Re: Ads VS Reality - Fast Food That KFC bowl thing looks fucking disgusting..
  5. I have a 3 hour, 28 page accounting exam tomorrow morning and I've yet to cover a good quarter of the material. Oops.
  6. Yeah, honestly.. "He works out and weight trains.." my ass. Dude must vomit so savagely after one of those contests. The epitome of binge/purge..
  7. How is it physically possible to eat 97 fucking hamburgers in one sitting?
  8. My buddy was a mechanic at a dealership for a while too.. said he absolutely hated it, got treated like shit regularly and had the same warranty-work problem you described. So he quit and got a job at a private shop, and he loves it.
  9. Re: BEST WAY TO PREVENT YOURSELF FROM HAVING A KID ^hahaha Stick it out, dude.. puppy's are a massive pain in the ass for the first little while, but they catch on quickly and will fall into place in no time. It's give and take.. put a little effort into raising and training the dog right, and in return you'll get an unfaltering life-long companion who won't scoff like the rest of us at your 'preggo-from-head' comments.
  10. goddamn bible thumpers.. takin shit way outta control
  11. This is fucking rad. I'm always the last to find out about stuff like this..
  12. Re: im caulking the shit out of my new apartment Snap, that's tomorrow night??
  13. Just punch your daily routine in the face, switch it up a little bit. Falling into a bit of a funk is inevitable if you end up doing the same shit day after day..
  14. What a stupid fuck.. Thai's are psycho about the King, and the Thai justice system is NOT something to fuck with. He'll probably die in a Thai prison in no time..
  15. haha, fucked up. I fear the day i start dreaming about 12oz and/or the interwebs in general
  16. Where did you find that stencil so large?
  17. Best username ever. goddamn those alpha-females of the group.. always at least one massively bitchy broad who knows nobody's interested in her, so she devotes her efforts to cockblocking every guy in sight..
  18. Re: TEAM ALCO only if NyQuil does too
  19. Re: TEAM ALCO Tastes like shoe, but fucks you up
  20. few beers nice meal cigarette shower movie/book/sleeeeep
  21. Re: ANIMATED GIF HALL OF FAME SUPERTHREAD ^^ that is fucking awesome. must have taken forever
  22. Amazing photos in here... Some from 3 months backpacking in SE Asia: Sorry if they're huge, I'm tech-retarded.
  23. Jesus Christ! Justone's stuff is fucking amazing! How long did that jungle one take you to do? Unreal.
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