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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. My research indicates that the japanese are dissuaded from filing even legitimate lawsuits by making the burden of proof nearly unatainable. That must he why they are so comfortable shooting half naked people on a makeshift rocket ship out the side of a building into sub zero temperatures. How do you say 'do it for the vine' in japanese?
  2. Laying here hoping this tax book will put me to sleep. Took a 2 hour nap around 3 this afternoon.
  3. Lol. The japanese are wild, boy. Im gonna google frivolous lawsuits in japan and see what I get.
  4. What if he was secretly trying to get into the international spice trade?
  5. Depending on what its an ounce of. I either need to advise him hes paying too much or that hes about to get robbed.
  6. I have my nephew trying to convince me to let him come back to work with me. Why, you ask. He needs to make $200. Shit, little man, what do you need $200 for? Oh you want to buy your dad something for his birthday? Oh and you have christmas and birthday money to throw on top of the $200? Jesus christ lil homie. What is your 13 year old ass trying to get for your grown man ass dad for almost $400? Oh, he has had his eye on this electric scooter for quite a while now?
  7. Ughhhh insert gross yeast joke here.
  8. I was just randomly thinking about this girl I used to know who talked in her sleep. One night she was passed out and she said "Don't tell mom." I looked over and said "Dont tell mom what?" She replied "Dont tell mom about the oscar meyer weiners." I asked "what about the weiners?" She then stirred awake smiling. She looked at me and I was smiling and she asked what she just said. I can only speculate. This thought haunts me from time to time.
  9. I reckognize the guy on the right. That's about it.
  10. @ogcorndoggood first post in a long ass time! You should start your own thread and keep adding to it. This thread is @One Man Bannedjourney.
  11. Haha thats great @Schnitzel I just looked over and caught this lazy ass ball bag sleeping like this
  12. This product just gets better and better. Speed ballin with the crisp refreshing taste of sprite. Aaand its only 3 bucks?
  13. One of these days Im gonna find a @Kr430n5_666image link that still works.
  14. This is served cold I'd assume?
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