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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @glorydaysive been toying with the idea for a few years now to become a distributor of the products I use the most of. One requirement that is holding me back is having a retail location that is open to the public with a show room. I have yet to decide if the 80% I would save as a whole saler outweighs the cost of maintaining a retail location staffed with at least one person at the front desk to tell people to fuck off all day. Retail space with semi truck access is helly expensive.
  2. It's all electric material. Covid has shut down factories that produce the particular parts I need and has wrecked home depot and lowes supply chain. So Im having to pay anal rape prices from online retailers. What a mess.
  3. Im good. I was ready to take all of our government checks when ever they showed up and burn them on facebook live or something in ultimate teen angst fashion, but this shit has turned out to be so terrible for some people, It would be cool to get this fucking money to donate to some one else in need.
  4. Also this redditsave.com-pov_december_31_2020_1159pm-zpg0dyokxk861.mp4
  5. Thats funny. I was thinking this had a mid 90s feel to it. I didnt even know the black eyed peas were around in the 90s.
  6. I dont have a personal checking account. The IRS would zap away any money I put in there. They said they were going to mail out physical checks I thought. I didnt get the one for 1200 I dont have any hopes of this one for 600. Shit, I didnt even get Obamas stimulating check.
  7. Since the man got his own thread... Did anyone else not get that $1200 from the gubernment and are also looking to get passed up on that $600 comin down the pike?
  8. Good luck bro. My products were coming from new york and have been stalled out for a minute now. This same shit happened to a package i sent to ndv like a month ago.
  9. I can imagine. I have packages that are just straight stalled out in the mail right now too. Was hoping you just ran into some speed bumps and didnt give up.
  10. @glorydaysanything new crackalackin with the brand?
  11. About 100 sq ft of this big body tile. These shits are an absolute fucking unit. Receptacle for scale.
  12. Say this in whatever broken english accent that you are comfortable with Thats racist. Look at this NPC meme for a sign Nothing is quite right Fin.
  13. @earmuffstell me all those arent yours.
  14. Im sitting here contemplating internally right now. I have already been paid in full for a job that stalled out about 8 months ago. I still have some minor work to complete and they are asking me to send them a bill for me to go out and finish up. Do I take some free money for my inconvenience or do I go finish up for the money Ive already been paid? The moral dilema is real.
  15. mr.yuck


    Hah. Truth. I could ride and make wide ass turns with no hands and my skid game was mean.
  16. I had to look this one up because I know I havent seen it. Does it hold up?
  17. mr.yuck


    For real I told him to take it to a bike shop. I heard an add on the radio like a week ago talking about a full bike tune up including brakes for like $45. Lol
  18. mr.yuck


    None of it seems to be working right.
  19. mr.yuck


    @Dirty_habiTthe brake system has a like a double plate with a free spinning bearing system so you can spin the handles 180 or 360 without getting the cables all twisted up.
  20. mr.yuck


    Thanks, brother. I'll let my friend know what to google.
  21. @WorldBenchyeah man. Even if its only a handful of people posting consistently. I dont get out like I used to and I dont do social media. So I appreciate the effort.
  22. @ndvno idea. One of my cousins lives out that way and he has been feeding me a non stop stream of insanity about this. Apparently they shut down state road 231 because there was a suspicious vehicle on the side of the road. The bomb squad had johny 5 out there checking out the broken down box truck or what ever. The surrounding area looked to be absolutely nothing. The only target around was the ditch it was parked next to.
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