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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. I'm pretty sure their algorithm is mad confused cuz I'll listen to a bunch of jazz and soul and rap in the same sitting. Then the algorithm is like, "yo I got you fam. You're gonna love this."
  2. Nah. It takes several hours but it always does it to me. I don't speak French, so it might have been dope... But it definitely doesn't sound dope.
  3. Spotify. Pandora started doing this weird thing where I would start off listening to classic rock and if I just let the algorithm keep picking, it always made it's way back to French slam poetry.
  4. When I woke up today it was a day like any other. I walked into Sherwin Williams and the entire store was being run by small children. Everyone looked extra young. All of a sudden I'm having trouble telling the difference between a 14 year old and a 23 year old. They are all running around interacting with each other and pretending like they know what they are doing. It was an odd feeling.
  5. False. My bones are weary and I don't really drink that much. I'm excited for the economic collapse and hyper inflation. Bout to pay off this mortgage in 2 or 3 months. Tpbm has also just discovered a new fetish that really does it for them.
  6. I agree that a system of some sort needs to be put in place. I've met too many women that have no concept of spacial distance and I 100% blame that shit on dudes wildly fabricating their dick size. Women are really clever with deductive reasoning. I've had a few women take a guess that my dick is anywhere from 10-13 inches. This is wrong as fuck but it's not their fault when they look at my dick and size it up with their last dick and then guess the size based off of faulty statistics the last dude gave. I also never corrected the girl that guessed 13 inches, so there's that.
  7. It's like 360° cheeks
  8. Gyoza Cucumber salad Sweet potato roll California roll
  9. It's weird. It's really awkward.
  10. mr.yuck

    Current View

    I accidentally wore a 12oz shirt to an estimate last week. The guy was like "what's 12 Ozzz? Is that your soft ball team?" My fucking soft ball team? I promptly added more money to his job for disparaging black people earlier in our conversation. Also there should be a 12oz softball team.
  11. Anybody wanna take a quick break to talk about our new thicc amphibious overlords? Then we can get right back to shit in our food and the amazing tiddy drop sm is gonna serve us. 0cb7ebe09d9c2b92c46860941e6d2a28.mp4
  12. mr.yuck


  13. Drag shows are fun. Picking up straight chicks at gay bars is a way different vibe than the axe body spray style clubs for straights.
  14. Yeah! It's great. Chicks are slutting out for life. People not having kids used to be way out of the norm when I was growing up. But for real it's easier and easier for my wife and I to find people in our age group that have chosen not to have kids and are loving it. Non of my cousins decided to have kids either. Our family tree just shit out bro.
  15. Haha. I bet he wishes basket ball would go back to shitty ass white boys throwing medicine balls into peach baskets.
  16. Lol. I went and did an estimate for a guy that started off on this train of thought while we were bullshitting around at his house. He trailed off and I pushed him to say his piece out loud to me and explain what he meant. It was hella awkward and I added an additional $1500 to his total as well.
  17. I know it seems counterintuitive, but the only answer at this point is more burger king.
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