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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. @fat ralphyI also picked good and cheap. Lol. He's doing better. His brain bleed finally stopped on its own without surgery. But now I gotta get my other guy to finish up the tile and he is gonna straight "break it off in me"
  2. That's my cousin! That's how he dresses to install tile!
  3. Last time I went to DC I went to the zoo. I got there late and all the animals were back in their enclosures. That sucked so to make myself feel better I found the IRS building and spit on it.
  4. None of this really has anything to do with this particular case, but man, my initial reaction was fuck this retard. Handcuff him to the back of the cruiser and drag him to jail. If he dies he dies. But like in retrospect and to a lesser extent, a lot of people are bombarded non stop by just straight up bullshit that is causing them to short circuit. When I was doing insurance work and was in a new person's house everyday, they would 9 times out of 10 have Fox news on. The whole fucking day. And people would just tell me the wildest fucking shit, their inner most opinions on issues like immigration. The most popular solution I heard was "We should all just go sit at the border and shoot them down with machine guns as soon as they cross into America." Fucking what? Who should do that? Not me. I have repairs to do. But the solution to any problem is almost always the same. It's always murder. I had some one pitch me the idea that if your kids fuck up bad enough, as a parent, you should have the right to murder them. Straight up. No I don't think I want to have a beer with you when the day is over. I'm out.
  5. Thanks bro. I think they are building him some new knee caps today.
  6. mr.yuck


  7. The upstairs portion of this project has come so far and was almost complete. My cousin started installing the tile in the master bath. Sadly he was in a motorcycle accident last night and is mad fucked up. I'd rather have you make a speedy recovery than ever get this stupid fucking house done bro. Lets go.
  8. Lol. I'm the arrogant dude. Subcontract to me all day, but I wouldn't hire me.
  9. The kid knows it too.
  10. Hire the idiot. They will eventually get it. The arrogant prospect already knows how to do your job better than you and will eventually try to put you out of business.
  11. mr.yuck


  12. No shit. I bought a Samsung washing machine cuz it looked cool. It doesn't have an agitator so it's easy to over load and it just stops when it gets lopsided and is a bitch to restart.
  13. mr.yuck


    Bro what the fuck is happening with people 5bbcdbec15727c62c5f67e6f06bd64b8.mp4
  14. I was riding through the country this weekend with the windows down and was blasted by their scent. They must have just started to pop off recently.
  15. I can't believe it's taken me this long to read this whole thread from the beginning. Amazing. So a bird or something shit some seeds into a concrete pad I have in my back yard. I now have a tree about 2 feet tall that is producing these flowers. These bad boys are overwhelmingly floral, almost a soapy citrus smell maybe. They grow everywhere around here but I don't know what they are called.
  16. That's almost exactly how it is. Just need to swap out that bottle of vodka for a cup of ocean spray 100% cranberry juice®
  17. mr.yuck


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