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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. mr.yuck


  2. Same as @Fist 666 I've had a few friends kick opiates with kratom. I've never personally done any. Done? Taken? I don't know the proper terminology. Do you smoke it?
  3. The inside of a public toilet
  4. I don't remember what thread we were talking about @nicklesndimesnever having seen titanic but stop the fucking presses; I just found out my old lady has never seen fight club.
  5. My wife been trying to get me to get a vasectomy for a while now. I might have to explain to her that I might be the only one who can save the human race.
  6. You went a little too deep. All memes should be accepted at face value with little to no extra contextualization.
  7. https://www.politico.eu/article/no-more-babies-expert-warns-that-hormone-altering-chemicals-threaten-human-procreation/ Pull out game = N/A once I hit my 60s
  8. mr.yuck


    88a8f263feb9f3c9b4137e3f41ed4e10.mp4 9e69ad71357fe5e4f7c20d9c30da0801.mp4
  9. I also dunno although the blonde looks super familiar
  10. I think @gasfacevictmfinally bit the bullet and got permanent gold teeth. Lemme seee ya grillll!
  11. Lol. I made so many of those. Like 5 years ago I remembered my photo bucket password and found all of it. Knight bats shit. Tease gifs. I was so happy. Then Photobucket nuked itself shortly after. I was so sad.
  12. LOLz. Thats perfect. @fat ralphyliving in that crib was like playing hood Oregon trail. Super surprised that no one died of hood dysentery.
  13. @Dark_Knightjust start charging potential clients what ever. I don't think there are rules to this shit anymore. I had rats in my spot in Indiana. I woke up to one crawling across my chest in the middle of the night. It just comes with old basement life I think.
  14. Remember all that advice I gave you a year or two ago? All that shits out the window. My new formula is "how many days is this going to take me and how much money do I want to make?"
  15. Im at a loss for words right now. For years I have been under charging customers for my services. I put that shit to an end last week. I worked out pricing for 7 new jobs. After I had all of these numbers up on my white board, I said "man I really want to pay my furniture off in full when it shows up the end of June." So I randomly just added $1200 to one job and $1700 to another and $900 to another and so on. I landed every single one of these jobs and people's first response was "how soon can you start?" I told my wife when we are done with this round of work, I'm going to jack our prices to the moon. You got 5 cars in your driveway and all the tags are current?
  16. 6f8ad847759b23debff7825f36a72cd3.mp4
  17. Yo. @MOOGLE?what's that big open window across from yer terlet?
  18. Hannah. I'm tryna get a footjob under the desk styles. Even though she's newly engaged she totally has that 'anal and foot jobs aren't cheating' energy. Susan feels the same way but she wears those little 1 inch heels and has flat as fuck feet; terrible for footies. Dayzie doesn't cut her toe nails.
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