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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. This was a good one for quantity. Im only about a 3rd of the way through. It's tedious uploading from the phone.
  2. Haha. She's aged out of questionability at this point I think!
  3. I've been to the Kentucky Derby a few times. Not the actual horse race, but the off site street fuckery the town devolves in for a few days. The party where the fancy fucking hats don't go. I think most events are like that. The Indy 500 is a wild time at the camp ground where all the out of staters set up shop and super get down.
  4. acfd087842126f325378faba9881112d.mp4
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  6. 24730c34d8db24a667d0a337b2b55813.mp4
  7. You gotta keep the algorithm guessing! Google some wild shit you don't even think makes any sense and I bet you it turns out to be a weird sex thing.
  8. mr.yuck

    Anti-abortion law

    Go ahead. Expound on that.
  9. 36081209c79ff26b6fb0e03107b84dbe.mp4
  10. Also it would be super funny if it had a little motion detector in it that would make it talk when people roll by. "Where's your manager?" "Pick up your dog shit!" "I've got your license plate number!"
  11. Thats such a good fucking idea. You seen the gnomies?
  12. How did you make that little nutsack with the all seeing eye symbol?
  13. The trashy ghetto Russian has nice legs and looks like she has a massive set of cans that are smashed down for some reason. Smash Don't like that bimbo shit. Trash
  14. @ndvI've never seen anything like it. A horse named Rich Strike with 80:1 odds won by over a full head length. Then it was like the horse was raging so hard on steroids and cocaine that when it was time to settle down and trot around it went berserker. It snatched another horse up by it's bridal reigns and shit. I'm gonna pull up a you tube of this real quick.
  15. Anybody watch the Kentucky derby yesterday? That shit was wild. Especially when that retarded horse that won started trying to bite those other loser horses... and the guy kept punching it in the head to make it stop. Lolz
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  17. mr.yuck

    Anti-abortion law

    I have a theory that this all boils down to future money and votes. I think it's also more encompassing than just undoing women's rights. This is like the most ultimate evil genius plan of all time. Birth rates have been declining in the US for decades now. I would assume this is a terrifying prospect for future tax revenue to the state. Statistics also show that there is a direct link between education level and fertility levels. Uneducated people being the most fertile and educated being the least fertile. With higher levels of education generally comes higher pay and roe v. Wade does not effect people of means in the same capacity that it does those without. This leads me to believe that the population of educated people will continue to decline as has been for years and the uneducated have been given the green light to mass procreate more uneducated tax/voting fodder. This also leads directly into the second part of this plan. Republicans have been attacking the educational system for about as long as they have been after Roe v. Wade. Most recently they want to white wash everything out of history that might hurt white children's feelings or that isn't heterosexual white male positive. They are attacking the system that houses and formulates most children for 12 years of their lives. As long as the Republicans can control the means of creating as many poor dumb whites as possible, they can stay in control of America forever.
  18. Good news y'all. COVID is finally over. I stopped by my favorite sushi place yesterday and they tore down the end of days barrier separating the front from the back. All my favorite Asian spots were rigged to look like shitty liquor stores where everything is behind bullet proof glass and they slide you your shit through a little door in the window.
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