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Everything posted by mr.yuck

  1. Hannah. I'm tryna get a footjob under the desk styles. Even though she's newly engaged she totally has that 'anal and foot jobs aren't cheating' energy. Susan feels the same way but she wears those little 1 inch heels and has flat as fuck feet; terrible for footies. Dayzie doesn't cut her toe nails.
  2. Oh shit, son! @Dark_KnightThis is a game changer. I was looking into some 6 or 7 ft tubs for the remodel, but those shits are pretty pricey!
  3. Rick Roundhouse is a bitchin name!
  4. Lol. The struggle is real. Bath tubs weren't designed for big dudes. If I sit with my legs straight out, I'm sitting straight up and down, whole upper body prairie doggin out the water. You'll see. Wait til @fat ralphyposts his picture.
  5. Do it. I saw a homeless guy the other day flying a sign that said "spread some cheese on this broke ass cracker!"
  6. @ndvbro I haven't watched regular ass tv in years. Every commercial was starving African babies and forgotten Jews and cancer kids. I was like what the fuck is this. Everybody wantin some damn $25.
  7. I just saw some commercial that was asking me to donate $25 to the forgotten Jews of Russia. Some of which haven't seen unleavened bread a nice the Holocaust. First of all...get fuckin real. You're trying to tell me that these forgotten Jews don't know how to make their own bread. These Foo's don't need prepackaged matzahs every month, they need a fucking cookbook.
  8. I've met a couple of them. My wife's besties dad is like this. He's a nice guy but damnit man he wouldn't survive a full month on his own.
  9. ...you aren't finna put an end to the glizzy shenanigans are you? But on some real shit man, I lucked out. It's my sister in law that's the apple from that tree.
  10. Ladies and Brethren, just stopped in to say; my mother in law is fucking cunt ass hoe. What a terrible god damn bitch. Anyone else dealin with this type of retched human being?
  11. You should definitely, without any provocation, stare your neighbor down and say "who's the sucker now," and then just walk away. Like in the movies. Extra points if something explodes behind you.
  12. DO IT! @fat ralphyI barely fit either. Weird jacked up leg angles.
  13. Lol. So grown men are just running around slapping each other now? Bringing back the precursor to a gun fight.
  14. Just made it home from an industry event where I won a brand new 55" TV in a business card raffle. Balllllllllin
  15. a91102094e53feeb4fb5945f37b618e2.mp4
  16. I'm pretty sure I saw some regular ass carton of Donald Duck orange juice a few years ago. Wouldn't have been around here. It must have been on our travels some where. Maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me.
  17. Back in the 90s when there probably weren't any regulations on tasers, I was fucking around with one of the homies mom's shit. I was tossing it back and forth from hand to hand on some straight cowboy shit. I started doing it faster and faster yelling "I'm clownin, I'm clownin." Then all of a sudden I'm sitting down on the couch across the room with the homies staring silently at me looking real worried. They told me I bumped the trigger and locked down on that bitch for a second. They said I was out for about 5 mins.
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