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Everything posted by Kults

  1. Kults


    Kinda. I see what ya mean. Personally I think theyre much nicer than wave runners tho
  2. It is most definitely not popping.
  3. I asked a buddy early today if he was going to throw eggs or TP for mad night tonight..his response: 'I'll go take a grown up shit in my neighbors backyard'
  4. I don’t drink but those are snazzy bottles
  5. You just know this guy was heated when it rolled off
  6. This reminds me of a story from years ago. My cousin had parked his car overnight in a shitty part of town by some railroad tracks. He was going to fuck some broad in that area so it couldn’t be avoided. Next morning, he finds the cars rear window smashed in and braces for the worst. He had a snowboard in the back seat, bunch of expensive snap on tools in the trunk and an ounce of weed in the spare wheel compartment. Absolutely nothing missing... there were cig butts put out on his dashboard and a half eaten bowl of porridge on the passenger seat. So some bum broke in there to smoke some cigs and eat his breakfast then just peaced out. Some people man lol
  7. Mostly an original coat of the real stuff with man made constantly thrown on top to keep the run coated. We'll get a few massive snowfalls and they just coast off those. Generally though its more just cold as hell at -30 and humid. Oddly enough if you go down to Vermont which is just south of us they get alot more powder. Maybe cause we're so close to the St Laurence river , no idea really. I know there's icebergs in there at the opening near Quebec city.
  8. We've got decent hills but none of that powder. Our runs are packed snow, many times frozen over. When you bail you're likely to get a bruise the size of a watermelon or worse. Years ago I had a nasty bail out, bruised a few ribs, I couldn't breathe without pain for months. Not fun.
  9. Oh man I know EXACTLY what you mean. After a full day of that your legs just give out. I have bad knees from years of riding. If you aren't stomping down and you don't anticipate the bumps you hit it at an awkward angle and go flying.
  10. Its true lol Once you've put up with that you can ride down pretty much anything.
  11. Oh shit.. I hadn't heard of that one. Good looking out! Ya A24 is just on another level huh. They have a few duds but not many, even their mediocre ones have redeeming qualities. Their movies feel like works of art.
  12. Really was. We were due though, there were a couple lean years there, seemed everything was getting corny, even the indies. Its nice that in general I get the feeling a lot more studios are going back to the bronze era way of making movies. Less special effects and gimmicks with more emphasis on character development and good story arcs.
  13. Its just so odd that in 2018 we have Jonah Hill and Danny McBride writing screenplays for serious movies that don't suck.. what is happening lol
  14. That sounds really similar to what the critics are saying. Still, for his first movie right out of the gate the fact that it doesn't outright suck is an achievement. I still really want to see it.
  15. Watched the new Halloween last night. Best one since Halloween 3 imo. Really captures the vibe of the originals and continues where the story left off. Disregards all the schlock sequels from the last 20 years. A great return to form. I recommend it.
  16. Seen it yet? Most reviews seem to say its a great effort for a new director but falls short of being a future classic. I think the hype is gonna end up hurting this movie. People seem to be expecting alot.
  17. https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/05/senate-intelligence-committee-shaming-google-alphabet-empty-chair.html Google tried to send its top lawyer to the hearing on foreign interference in U.S. elections, but the committee wanted either Alphabet CEO Larry Page or Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai to testify alongside executives from Twitter and Facebook.
  18. Not to mention being the only ones who didn’t show for the senate oversight inquiry.
  19. I figured standards may have risen with age. I stand corrected ?
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